Chapter 8 - Snowy Wonderland

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My Magical history lesson continues through the weekend. Marcus doesn't want anymore secrets. The lesson isn't long, but it's dark. His family was in a constant search for power. Wars were started, Witches were killed, all to gain more power. For decades the Magical world lived in fear and darkness until his great grandfather put a stop to it. It doesn't seem important, until Marcus reveals an interesting fact.

The first Sorcerer is the beginning of his Magical line. It explains why everyone fears him. Having another Sorcerer in the same Magical line, terrifies people. They fear the past will repeat itself. Their fear is misplaced though. Marcus isn't looking for more power, just respect.

There isn't much for him to say about the first Sorcerer. Most of his stories are missing, but the ones they do have are dark and deadly. He was dangerous and murderous and cared only for power. It took an army to end his reign of terror. After that, the council was created and the heads of the families that helped bring down the Sorcerer were the first ones to sit on the council.

The whole truth is finally out in the open. I know about him, his family and the first Sorcerer, and I'm still here. Marcus can finally see my love for him out weights any craziness in his families past, or his past. To the Magical world he's this all powerful Sorcerer; to me he's just Marcus.

The weekend ends with me falling asleep in my own bed. I don't enjoy being without him but when I wake, I'm reminded he's never far away. On my dresser, blooming to life as I open my eyes, is a vase full of long stem red roses and a note that simply says I love you. Having a Magical boyfriend has its perks.

Being back at school after the hallway incident is...awkward. The whispers are going strong, but there is a silver lining. Nathan doesn't come anywhere near us. With his powers stripped and the threat of not getting them back, he chooses to keep his distance, even though we know it won't last.

For two weeks there's peace and quiet. For two weeks there is no drama. For two weeks there's no worrying about what's lurking around the corner. We let our guard down. We forgot what it's like to have someone haunting our every move. Things are good, but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.

Today there's a level of excitement in the halls as everyone prepares for the rival football game. Even Marcus and I are distracted by it, which is why neither of us notice Nathan standing next to my locker until we run into him. In a flash Marcus puts himself between me and Nathan. Nathan quickly takes a step back, holding his hands up in defense.

"I'm not here to start a fight. I just have to say something, then I'll go." Nathan stands there, waiting for one of us to say something. "Five minutes, please."

Marcus looks over his shoulder at me. He's going to let me decide. It's easier to say yes, so I nod. Marcus sighs. "Three minutes. Start talking."

Nathan takes a deep breath then looks passed Marcus to me. "Nicole, I was stupid. I was arrogant, and egotistical. You chose Marcus and the jealousy caused me to snap. I'm sorry." He pauses, taking another deep breath, as he looks at Marcus. "I owe you an apology, too. She was the most popular girl in school before ever stepping foot in the halls. She's smart and beautiful and I wanted her. I was stupid to think there would be no competition for her heart. I assumed she would instantly want me. I was wrong and I'm sorry."

I stare in disbelief, but Marcus isn't fooled. He knows this isn't the end of his speech. With Nathan, there is always an ulterior motive. "You know I think every word out of your moth is bullshit, right?" Marcus says, folding his arms across his chest. Nathan nods but says nothing. "So, why should we believe you now?"

"Because I actually mean it this time," Nathan confesses. It's the first thing I actually believe. "Look, my best friend hates me, my ex-girlfriend, who I'm desperate to make things right with, is barely speaking to me. My family is disgusted with actions, and a girl who could've been a really great friend, will probably never fully trust me. I'm trying, ok. I don't deserve a second chance, or third in this case, but I would appreciate one."

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