Chapter 13 - Power Surge

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With the slam of the door, another fight ends. For two weeks every conversation with Marcus leads to a fight, and every fight ends with him leaving, slamming the door behind him. Once again, I'm sitting on the couch, wondering what to do next. If Marcus keeps to his routine, he'll be back in a few hours, begging for forgiveness. We'll hug and kiss and act like nothing happened, until the next time.

Things between us are changing, and not for the better. The fighting has me questioning our relationship. Marcus is shutting me out. Each day I can feel less and less of our mental and physical connection. He's slipping away, and I fear when this insanity with Nathan ends, so will me and Marcus.

My mind is going in a hundred different directions. School has always been a good distraction, but it's hard to focus when I'm not actually sitting in a classroom. Even though Nathan's powers have been stripped and he's rehabilitating on his aunt and uncles farm in Romania, Marcus is still worried. Because of that, none of us are allowed to go to school. Our only compromise is he has to make sure I have all my school work.

The day after the attack, when it really hit him that he almost lost me, Marcus went crazy. He attacked him Nathan, nearly killing him. Damon and Alex had to restrain him while Lizzy took Nathan away. Athena asked for imprisonment, but his parents, John and Melissa Sawyer, begged for rehabilitation. Against his better judgement, Marcus agreed. I think he regrets that decision.

I sift through the two week high pile of school work, looking for something to preoccupy me. There's a lot to choose from, since I haven't been able to concentrate long enough to do any of it. Focus is hard to hold these days, but I need to find something. I need a distraction today, more than any other day. I need my brain to focus on anything other than Marcus.

The pile is thinning out, and still no distraction, until I lift the last stack of papers. There, in a neat little pile, are my college acceptance letters. I have two more letters from Harvard and Yale, my top two choices before Marcus. I decided to go to the University of Oregon with Marcus shortly after moving in with him, but now I'm second guessing that decision.

I'm proud of my newest acceptance letters. Harvard and Yale have been my dream school since the sixth grade. Being accepted is a huge honor, but I've already decided to go to school with Marcus. Maybe things have changed. If Marcus and I are over, maybe Harvard and Yale are options for me.

I'm lost. My relationship is disintegrating and I have no clue how to fix it. Leaving him scares me because my love for him is so deep, but it feels like the only option for us. If the door is closing on me and Marcus, I can open one to another college. If I lose my one true love, the east coast may be the only place for me to heal my wounds.

My heart is breaking, but my tears stop when there's a knock on the door. Chloe and Lizzy walk in with half mass smiles and sit on the couch. They immediately notice the college letters sitting on the table. They share a look but neither of them say anything. They don't need to. They know me well enough to know what's going through my head.

"We should get out of here," Lizzy says, getting to her feet. "You've been locked in this room for almost two weeks. Let's go have lunch somewhere outside of this house."

I'm hesitant because of the 'don't leave policy' Marcus set, but I need a break from this room. I have Chloe and Lizzy with me, so I'm hoping he won't fight me on leaving. When I go to look for him, Chloe tells me he isn't home. Apparently part of his routine after a fight is to take a long walk to clear his head. It explains why he's gone for hours before he apologizes.

On our way to lunch, I start to text Marcus, then decided against it. I doubt he'll even notice I'm gone. Besides, he doesn't share his walks with me, so I feel no need to share this with him. It's childish, but I'm in no mood to be mature. It's been a very long two weeks.

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