Chapter 12 - Soul Mates

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Fear takes my breath me as struggle against my captor. The wind beats against my legs and I can hear the rustle of the leaves as we move. We grow further from the Cummings house, but we aren't leaving the property. I can still hear the faint sound of music playing in the background. I'm dropped to my feet then the bag is ripped from my head. I finally see who has taken me. 

Anger replaces fear. Nathan stands in front of me wearing a smile. Despite the voice screaming in my head to stop, I reach up and slap him. He's too stunned to speak. I shove him then storm off. I have nothing to say to him, and there certainly isn't anything I want to hear from him.

Nathan catches up to me and stops me by placing his hands on my shoulders. When he sees the fury on my face, he drops his hands and begs for forgiveness. "Ok, maybe a fake kidnapping probably wasn't the best way to get you alone, but it was the only thing I could think of. I knew you wouldn't have talked to me otherwise."

"You're right," I snap. "I have nothing to say to you. I have erased you from my life. There's nothing you have that I want, so just let me get back to the wedding."

"Just, one minute." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black velvet box, slightly bigger than the one Marcus gave me. He holds it out, expecting me to take it. When I don't, he rolls his eyes. "It's just a necklace, heart shaped, in honor of Valentine's Day. You didn't think I'd miss today, did you?"

He's crazy. There has to be something wrong in his head if he thinks I'll ever accept any kind of gift from him. The fact that Marcus and I are engaged is irrelevant. Nathan has no place in my heart, and I want no part of his, or the one in the little black box. The only thing I want from him is to be left alone.

I shake my head, pushing his hands away. "I don't want this, and I don't want you."

Heartache fills his eyes as his hands drop to his side. I walk away, but he grabs my hand before I'm out of reach. His fingers slides across my engagement ring. Bile rises in my throat as his fingers wrap around my wrist. He yanks me back, nearly ripping my arm from its socket. Rage replaces heartache as he looks at the ring. He's angry, but even through the anger, I see pain

"You're going to marry him?" he snaps with a whisper. It's a question that doesn't need an answer. "Marrying him is a mistake, Nicole, and I won't let you do it."

"It's not up to you. You don't get to make choices about my life." My voice is flat but lined with anger.

I try to contact Marcus again, but a searing pain fills my head, drops me to my knees. Nathan laughs. "What's the matter, can't talk to lover boy?" The dark, evil tone to his laugh makes me crawl away in fear. "I know your little secret. I'm surprised no one else figured it out. It could be because I'm obsessed with Marcus right now. I've been searching for any Magical weakness he may have. Who knew it would be you?"

"Nathan, I don't know what you have planned, but it's a bad idea," I say slowly, struggling to my feet. "Marcus is powerful. You can't go up against him and walk away unharmed. If you leave now, I'll make sure he doesn't come after you, okay?"

He answers by wrapping his hand around my throat and pulling me to my feet. He squeezes just enough to cause pain, but not enough to interrupt my breathing. He smiles and his eyes fill with excitement as my tears fall. He's enjoying himself. As he lowers his lips to my hear, a thought shutters through me. This is only the beginning of my pain.

"I came here to give you my heart. You rejected me, again, and now you're engaged to him." He no longer holds back his anger and disgust. "I'm done trying to win your heart. It's become clear you're too stupid to see the truth. This isn't what I wanted for you, Nicole, but you've given me no choice.

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