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You knew you were definitely gonna see them again

After Finishing your drink and paying the bar tender, you got your purse and walked out the door.

Scrambling through your purse to find your keys you felt as if someone was watching you.
Shaking it off as it was probably nothing you continued looking through your purse.

Finally finding your keys you took them out and started to unlock your car. But before you could open the car door you felt someone wrap an arm over your neck and place a hand over your mouth.

You dropped your purse and tried to scream but because of his hand you could not do so.

They dragged you into an alley and pressed you against a wall.
"So," they finally said something. "Tell me, where's your little boyfriend"

"HM?" you said a little muffled because his hand was still on your mouth.

"OH DONT PLAY DUMB WITH ME! I saw you flirting it up with him in the bar back their!"


"Oh Yeah! Sorry" finally taking his hand off of your mouth.

Taking in a deep breathe you said, "First of all he's not my boyfriend! Second, why would I tell you anything!" You spat.

He tightened his grip on your neck making you take in a shaky breathe. "You're going to tell me because I'm not letting you go until you tell me everything about that angel!"

You let out a weak laugh, "Angel!" you snickered, "Listen buddy I know he's hot but you should keep somethings to yourself!"

He punched you in the gut cutting your laughing short.
"Very funny, but not what I meant" he said as he grabbed you by the hair making you look up at him,
"Oh he didn't tell you?! Well your little pretty boy is really an angel and he's in a lot of trouble" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"A-Angel?!" You panted, gripping your stomach after getting the wind knocked out of you. "Look. I don't know who you are or what you want with me but you're obviously not very stable right now because there is no way in hell that he was an angel because last time I checked angels don't flirt with girls nor go to bars with their friends!"

He punched you again in the stomach making you groan in pain.
"STOP PLAYING DU- wait. Friend? So he is with the Winchester boy is he? Figures. Did they tell you where they were going?!" He yeld while Yanking on your hair.

"NO! All I know is his name and his numb-" you stopped yourself from finishing your sentence realizing he would probably want you to give him his number so he could track Cas down.

"What was that?! You have his number?! Wonderful, give it to me"

"Like hell! No way I'm giving you his number you son of a bitch!" You growled.

He punched you three more times in the gut and you fell to your knees coughing and clenching your stomach.

Then you heard a car pull up and a door slam followed by the running of footsteps.

"Let her go!"
You heard the familiar voice of none other than Castiel himself and you couldn't help but smile.
"Y/N! Are you ok?!" You heard Dean yell.

But before you could answer your kidnapper punched you in the face making you fling your head back on the concrete wall resulting in you falling non conscious.

"Y/N!!" Cas yelled.

"Oops! Looks like she can't answer!" He sassed.

"Dude what the hell that was so not necessary!" Dean yelled.

"Cas! Get Y/N and take her back to the impala. I got this douche!" He growled as he gripped his angel blade.

Starting to regain consciousness a bit, but not opening your eyes, you felt a pair of strong, warm, arms grip you tight and raise you from the ground. He held you close to his chest and ran as fast as he could back to the car.
You couldn't really explain it but being held in his arms just felt like....home.

He gently laid you down in the back and placed your head on his lap. You felt him brush a few strands of stray hairs out of your face.

And with a flash of light you heard dean run back to the car and hop in the drivers seat.

"How is she Cas?"

"Still passed out but she will live"

"Cas I already know what you're thinking but this is in no way your fault!"

"Yes it is Dean, by conversing with her and being all "flirtatious" as you call it, she got mixed up in all of this, there are obviously going to be more angels who want to get information from her" you heard him say in a voice that sounded so....broken.

You finally opened your eyes and lifted your head off his lap, already missing the warmth, but were interrupted when you felt a sharp pain on the back of your head.
"OW! What the-" you said as you rubbed your head.

Dean let out a soft laugh.
"You took quite the hit back there"

"Do you remember anything?! What's my name?! How many fingers am I holding up?!" Cas said very frantically

"Cool your tits I'm fine!" You laughed.

"But I don't have tit- never mind, anyway are you sure you're ok?" The angel said, his face was full of nothing but worry.

"Cas relax she'll be fine" said Dean, "But Y/N what did they say to you?"

"Hm, I mean nothing worth remembering he was OBVIOUSLY not too right in the head" you said matter-a-factly.

Dean and Cas exchanged a look.
"Even so, you need to tell us everything" Cas said as he placed his hand on top of yours.

You smiled, "You're gonna think this is absolutely insane but," you laughed, "He said you were an "angel" and that you were in a lot of trouble!"
You laughed at how crazy it sounded but when you noticed they didn't laugh you stopped.
"What, Was it something I said?"

"You wanna give her the talk?" Dean said in a low voice.

"Not really" Cas sighed

"Well I'm not giving it!" Dean shot back

"Why not?!"

"Takes too long to explain" he shrugged

"Ugh Dean you are being rather difficult right n-"

"Guys! I don't need the talk! I already know how baby's are made!" You laughed.

They both just face palmed

"What?" You said looking at both of them extremely confused.

"This talk is a little bit different" Dean chuckled shifting his position to face you.

"Yea, uhm what he said about me being an angel..."  Cas rubbed the back of his head. "He was telling the truth."

"I am an angel of the Lord"

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