Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Mia's pov

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey mom and dad" I said as I sat down and grabbed a plate and filled it with food.

"Good morning Mia are you ready to go to the pack meeting?" my dad asked looking up from his news paper. I nodded and finished eating.

Sorry I forgot to introduce my self. I'm Mia Roberts and I'm 18. I don't have a mate. I am 5,4 with long brown hair and bright blue eyes. I am a werewolf and live in the Blood pack. And that's about it.

Today is the big pack meeting were Alpha Hunter will pass the Alpha title down to his sons Alex and Xavier. I have never met them in person but have heard about them. And the other thing they are sharing is that our pack is now the biggest in the world. Which I think is really awesome. Anyway I really like our Luna, Lilly. She is very kind and strong. And her twins Alex and Xavier. They are 20. Alpha Hunter is really nice to. Mom and dad told me he used to be very cold heart-ed before he met Lilly.

So right now I was getting ready. I wore a nice purple top with some black skinny jeans and some flats. I straightened my hair and put on a little make up. The doorbell rang and I ran to the door. I opened it and my best friend Taylor was standing there. He wore a black button up shirt black jeans and black vans.

"Well hello there death, what brings you here" I joked

"Oh I needed to come kill someone by the name of Mia Roberts. Ever heard of her?" Taylor played along.

"Nope doesn't ring a bell" I laughed and walked outside.

"So whose car we taken" Taylor asked. Taylor has been my best friend since kindergarten. I scraped my knee on the rocks and he helped me put a band-aid on it. Ever since the we have been best friends.

"Bitch I'm taken my baby I don't know about you" I said hoping on my Yamaha 2014 R1 motorcycle. It was all black. Not one other color. I would not let anyone touch it. Not even Taylor.

"Fine I'll take my car" he said rolling his eyes and getting into his green mustang GT. He roared the engine twice telling me he wants to race. I nodded and put my black helmet on. I but the keys in and started it up. My mom walked out of the house and sighed. She came over to us and yelled.

"Be safe" and counted down from 5. Once she yelled go I was racing down the driveway and down the streets. Taylor was on my tail about half way there. I zoomed down the road and lost Taylor.

I pulled into the pack house and hoped off of my bike. I took off my helmet and straightened my hair. Taylor then pulled up and got out of his car. He was pouting and I walked over to him. I gave him a hug and leaned up to his ear.

"You just got beat by a girl again" I yelled in his ear and ran off laughing. He growled and started chasing me. He picked me off my feet and put me on his shoulders.

"Don't I weigh like a ton?" I asked playing with his hair while he started walking.

"Not at all sweet cheeks" he chuckled. I laughed at the nickname.

Taylor stopped really fast and bent over.

"Alpha Hunter Luna Lilly" he said while I on the other hand started falling off his shoulders. I screamed and fell face first into the floor.

I tried to stand up quickly and greet the Alpha and Luna.

"Alp-" I tripped on my own feet and fell on my face again. I groaned and rolled on my back.

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