"Hey, let's play over there Emma!" The little boy laughed and yelled back at his friend.
"Okay!" The girl replied as she ran after the boy. Emma chased after Lucas and laughed. She fell and lucas ran back after her to see if she was alright. He helped her up by the hand as she brushed off the dirt.
"Are you alright?" He asked her with a worried expression.
"Heh heh, I'm fine!" She smiled up at him and took his hand as she ran through the grass.
The next day they were playing at a park. Lucas was standing on top of the jungle gym smiling down at Emma. Emma looked up at Lucas and smiled.
" What are you doing up there lucas?"
" Enjoying the view."
" It isn't very safe up there."
" I know, but the view is great! You should come up too."
"I'm afraid of heights. But, you should get down from there before you get hurt."
"Okay, I'll come down now."
Lucas grabbed the bar nearest to him. He started down the jungle gym. Lucas suddenly slipped up and was tilting backwards. He hit his foot on a bar and caught himself
"Look out! If you die, I'll never forgive you!" Emma had tears streaming down her face now and sniffled. Lucas replaced his balance and held a firm grip on the bars now.
"I'm fine, I'm fine! Don't cry Emma! I hate it when you cry...."
Emma sniffled again and wiped her tears from her face. Lucas neared the bottom of the jungle gym and jumped down.
"See? I'm completely fine!" Lucas winced, and looked down at his ankle.
" You shouldn't be doing dangerous things! We are still only six! If you keep doing dangerous things, you won't live till 13!"
"But, I'm fine." Lucas took a step forward and his leg gave in beneath him.
"No your'e not! What's wrong?"
"I think I hurt my ankle a little." Lucas sat down on the grass and held his ankle as he looked up at Emma.
"Here, we can go to my house and get an ice pack! I'll put a band-aid on it."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Emma put his arm around her shoulder and started walking to her house.

RomansaIn the story a girl had a childhood friend that she used to play with before they moved. After a few years he moves back. He notices her right away but she can't remember him and doesn't remember who he is. He is now watching over her, while she doe...