Hot Chocolate

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Okay, so next week, I'm going to be on a trip so I don't plan on updating. I might be releasing a new chapter after this one. Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter and please comment and vote!

*The picture above is Cora

This is delicious," Blaire said. She stared at the steaming cup of hot chocolate in shock. Matteo inhaled the smell deeply.

"Told you. Lotte is the chocolate master. I bet she would win against the Jacques Torres."

"Don't overestimate my abilities."

"I'm trying to sell your skills."

"I'm pretty sure that's the strangest thing you've said all day."

"I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

"You've read Alice in Wonderland?" Blaire asked.

"Yup. Required school reading. But I read it again after I found out Lotte's obsession with quotes and Alice in Wonderland." Blaire sighed.

"You guys are so cute."

"But not dating," Lotte replied. She sat, a steaming cup of tea cradled in her hands. "Have you tried to bring up Sonya again in front of Jason?"

"No. I haven't seen him all day."

"Is this an often occurrence?" Blaire shrugged.

"It's pretty common. Jason still deals with stocks. He invests with startups or buys out crumbling ones with potential. Sometimes he goes abroad, so I'm just happy his deals are in Paris right now."

"Why did you buy the apartment in New York?" Matteo asked. He added marshmallows into the brown brew before handing the bag to Blaire. "You want some?"

"No thank you. We just bought that as a vacation home. We haven't gone there since last year in December."


"Yeah. I had a party with my best friends."

"That sounds nice," Lotte said. She sipped her tea. "Matteo and I's parents pull us out once our vacation starts."

"What do your parents do?" Lotte set the teacup down.

"My father is a businessman. My mother is a housewife," she said blandly.

"Do you not like them?" Blaire asked. Lotte opened a KitKat.

"No. My father was distant. He has a mistress. My mother just ignores it. She opts to shop and primp her hair."

"Oh." Lotte chewed the KitKat.

"My older sister is the one who attempts to keep the peace." A pause. "It's too bad she introduced father's future mistress to him."

"Have you ever thought of boxing?" Blaire asked. Lotte frowned.

"No?" Blaire smiled.

"My mother had parent issues. She took it out by boxing." Lotte raised her eyebrows.

"Interesting. I'll try it some time. I usually take it out in tennis."

"She's scary when she plays tennis," Matteo said. He grimaced. "She's always won."

"You did win once. In Germany."

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