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"We can't use these in court."

"I would love to the judge's face if we told them what happened. We came into our apartment at about eleven pm and we find a figure in black looking through the case files."

"They would probably consider closing down the case."

"Then what would we do?"

"We'll move on. To the next case."

"I want to go back to Paris. Blaire and the whole fiasco with Sonya's mom..." lotte raised an eyebrow.

"Fiasco?" Matteo shrugged.

"You rubbed off on me."

"So you're going to stop using teenage slang?"

"Nah. But nice try." Matteo squeezed her hand.

"I think," Lotte murmured, "Shirou will be arriving shortly. This park is nearly empty and we've been sitting here for thirty minutes." Matteo cocked his head.

"No worries. He'll be here."



"Hey, Shirou." Shirou fingered his beard.

"You two look rather gloomy for a new couple," he observed. He sat in a bench across from them.

"We found some....stuff." Matteo handed him a folder. Shirou opened it. He stiffened.

"Where did you get this?" He asked.

"An anonymous source."

"Right. You do know if you bring this into court, I will-"

"We are well aware of it."

"Then why show this?"


"Answers for what? This is my business. It doesn't involve the police."

"Fine. We will ask four questions."

"Uh huh. And what's that?"

"Why is Yoshito Ari in every picture?"


"Were you never concerned he would betray you?"

"It's not like I have a lot of allies in the first place."

"Do you think-"

"This is your third question."

"I know." Lotte paused. "Do you think the accident was on purpose?"

"Maybe. But it would be all him."

"Can you prove that?"

"No." Shirou stood up. "But you're on the wrong track if you think I'm involved in this."

"You don't like your parents and you have a family," Matteo said. "You have a motive."

"Maybe. But that doesn't mean I did it."


"He could be guilty."

"It looks perfectly convenient."

"But it wasn't convenient."

"Matteo, a black figure broke into our apartment to place these photographs. This looks like a setup."

"Or maybe some grand scheme to wave him of suspicion."

"That would be far too risky." Matteo groaned.

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