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"Yes?" Blaire whispered. The police officer offered a smile. Her blonde hair was braided back as grey eyes assessed her.

"Could you come out? The detectives are waiting." Blaire shakily got up, taking the outstretched arm of the police officer. She cast a worried glance at Ivan and Cora. Ivan nodded encouragingly. Blaire turned. The door shut closed behind them.

"You did this." Cora sighed.

"Ivan, don't be so dramatic. At the very least, turn around." Ivan glared. Cora raised an eyebrow. "You know this house is probably bugged, right?" He glanced around. Cora shook her head. "I'm going."


"My work is finished. I might as well focus back on my next big scandal."

"Won't they ask about this? The scandal of two countries?"

"Yes. But it's not like I'm going to tell them anything about it. Blaire deserves that at the very least. How much does she know?"

"She probably only knows about the financial records." Cora gaze cooled.

"Good." The door opened, the police officer poking her head inside.

"Um, Monsieur Sokolov? The detectives want to ask you some questions." Ivan followed her out. In the sunny living room, the two detectives sat across from Blaire. One waved at him, a bright smile on his face. The other nodded, a neutral expression on her face.

"Sit," she said. Ivan sat down next to Blaire. Blaire relaxed, fractionally. The man looked at Blaire.

"Woukd you like something?" Blaire shook her head. He turned to Ivan.

"Nah. I already had something."

"Good. My name is Lotte Baasch. He is Matteo de la Chambre."

"The lawyer one?" Lotte closed her eyes for a moment. Matteo smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah," he said. Ivan inhaled.

"Wow. Two celebrities-"

"You know who I am?"

"Yeah. You look exactly like your dad and with tge same last name.... Also, I went to school there. The Politecnico-"

"De Torino," Matteo finished,"I went there too."

"You didn't study photography?"

"No. At the time, I just did that for fun. I was in Textile Engineering."


"Parents make you?"

"Yeah." Lotte raised an eyebrow. "Lotte, over here, went to Oxford." Ivan shook his head. Lotte swatted Matteo. "She was aiming for the prestigious."

"Did you go to Harvard." She nodded mechanically.

"We should get back to the task at hand." Matteo shrugged.

"Okay. So, Ivan, where were you the night of Sonya's murder?"

"I was going to drop something off at a friend's place near Jason."

"How close was this person?" Lotte asked.

"Same level as Jason but a few doors down."

"Did the person open the door?"

"Yes. We ended up hanging out for the rest of the night because he got a call from the lobby. Lockdown."

"Did anything odd happen?" Ivam shrugged.

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