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I just want you guys to know that, I have many ramen recipes on this story as drafts. I am constantly thinking of new recipes and making a weird spongebob pic to go with it. But I don't publish any recipes until I try them, to make sure they are good. Stay tuned!

P.S. All my recipes are vegetarian if you haven't noticed, because I am a vegetarian. Yet I call myself more of a carbavore hehehe. I do enjoy my carbs very much. Vegetables aren't my fav, have you ever heard of a vegetarian who doesn't enjoy vegetables? Now you can say yes! Anyway, like I said before... be creative with these recipes! If you really like meat or veggies or both, add it to the recipe. I encourage it! This ramen book is kind of a project for me, to stop being such a picky carbavore. Maybe sometime in the future I could incorporate tofu in a ramen recipe... sounds good to me. 👌

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