Chapter 6

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" Are you excited for high school Jungkook?"

You asked me. I gave you an assuring nod to which you smiled at. You then held my hand but I quickly retracted it, noticing the amount of people inside the classroom. I saw the quick flash of hurt crossing through your eyes but you smiled.

" A-Ah, I see..."

Lunch time came. You tried to walk up to my desk but a lot of girls walked up to me first. I saw how much you struggled to come near me but they would always shove you off.

" Hello cutie~"

" What's your name?"

" You're so handsome!"

" Would you like to grab lunch with me?"

" O-Okay?"

They then dragged me off of my seat, my lunch bag in my hand. I glanced to your direction only to frown. You had hurt pied all over your face but when you saw my quick glance, you feigned a smile. You then disappeared.

I was seated in a round table, girls flocking all over me. I tried to find you but other girls would force me to sit. I bit my lips in anxiousness until I found your figure, sitting by yourself. Lonely and gloomy.

I stood up but, coincidentally, one of the girls saw my line of sight. She huffed.

" You know, she'll only drag you down."

She told me.

" What?"

I asked her. I then looked at the girl and saw her checking out her manicure nails.

" You're handsome, smart, and rich. Every factor to rise you up into popularity."

" I don't need popularity. All I need is (Y/n)."

" Don't you know popularity is everything here?"

My breath hitched. I fully turned to look at her and quirked a brow.

" What do you mean?"

" If you're popular then you get everything. The girls, the attention, you name it, popularity will give you it."

By my foolish mistakes, I walked back to the table and talked with the girls. The girl from earlier smirked at me, to which I shrugged. I was unaware of your distant figure clenching on to the lunch box you held.

" Jungkook."

I heard you call. I turned to look at you, only to remember the words of what the girl had said.

" She'll only drag you down."

I turned away and ignored your presence. Holding on to the straps of my bag. I opened the door of the classroom, only for my hand to be held back by yours.

" Why are you straying away?"

You asked me, tears forming in your bejeweled (e/c) eyes. I forcefully removed my hands from yours and glared at you. You seemed shock by my sudden change. You took a step back as I turned away and left.

" I don't need you anymore."

Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now