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This trap is an easy one to build and still works extremely well. To build it, you will need a half pipe shaped object about two feet that a bowling ball can roll down, a bowling ball, glue that will stay sticky for a long time, a block of wood about 6 inches tall, a pressure plate hooked up to a wall that can flip down when the pressure plate is activated, and birdseed.

First, take the half pipe and the pressure plate hooked up to a wall. Make a groove in the half pipe to fit the wall if it lies flat. Put the pressure plate at one end and the wall near the other end. Make sure there is enough room to place the bowling ball on the other side of the wall and place the ball there. After that, take the half pipe and the wooden block. Put the block down somewhere in your yard. Then, take the half pipe and place the end with the bowling ball on the block so that it creates a ramp from the top of the block to your yard. Take the glue and apply it on the pressure plate. Take some bird seed and place it around the pressure plate. Then wait for a bird. The bird will probably land on the pressure plate to eat the seeds but won't be able to fly away because it is stuck when the wall falls down and the bowling ball rolls over it. The only problem with this trap is that sometimes the mocking bird doesn't always land on the pressure plate, but it usually will.

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