Chapter 10: Off The Case

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Beyond The Worst Case Scenario –ACTION

Chapter 10

Day 2

CIA Headquarters


                “Dr. Carter Bellshaw was a MIT mathematics professor and a Harvard graduate. He was a freelance consultant for the CIA, hired in 2005. Bellshaw was a genius at accurately predicting worldwide political, economic, and social evolution from math based models. For example, how to create an alliance with one country or business, or how to monopolize resources from another and expert at probability and prediction.

                “Carter discovered his solutions using a theory called Keystone. It’s similar to the butterfly effect in that it proved a single small event could trigger another on a much larger scale. Like dominos, if you knocked down the right one, you could potentially send the rest tumbling down with it.”

                “I don’t get it.” Nathaniel complained to Dominique and Gabriel who were now all in Dominique’s private office being briefed on this new Dr. Bellshaw character.

                “Think of it like this: the Treaty of Versailles, which was created after World War I, lead to the rise of Fascism. The resulting conditions of the treaty upset many people around the world, civilians, politicians, and soldiers alike because of the lack of territory, money, or military recondition their country’s had received. The major European powers were all deep in debt to each other, then, when the United States stock market crashed, it tanked not only the American economy, but also all those attached to it.

“Unemployment and starvation rose, creating an opportunity for Fascist leaders to gain the support of the suffering citizens by promising them social and economic reforms that could return their daily lives back to their prewar likeness. Therefore because the Treaty of Versailles was signed, later events caused the success of the Fascist regime.” Explained Gabriel. World History had always been one of his favorite classes throughout high school and college.

“I see, so it’s just a small action that can spark a much bigger one. Like you said, the butterfly effect,” Nathaniel nodded to Dominique, “If a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world, it could potentially generate a tornado on the other.” Nathaniel reasoned, connecting the dots.

“Exactly!” Dominique stated, relieved the two detectives understood the point she had been trying to get at for the past few minutes. She flicked her long coffee waves over her left shoulder, then returned her hand back to where she had been resting them both on the top of the table, fingers interlaced. Gabriel and Nathaniel sat together across from her, with only a miniature circular glass table between them. “If Dr. Bellshaw really did plan project AFTERMATH, which we know absolutely nothing about other than the fact that it could be the end of this country as we know it, then this is truly beyond the worst case scenario.”

A knock sounded at the door which proceeded to echo throughout the tension filled room. “Come in.” Dominique called out to the intruder in a commanding tone. The thick wooden door creaked open slowly as the newcomer assessed the situation within the room before completely entering. Dylan Calvino strode into the room once sure he would be safe from Dominique’s infamous wrath. There was no telling what mood she could be in at a time like this after just learning such shocking information.

“Chief, we tried to track Bellshaw’s lip movements, but it appears he was speaking in some sort of cipher. There is no way to know for sure exactly what he’s saying. We have are best lip-reading specialists combing through the video right now.” Reported Calvino.

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