"She's here"

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Once I reach the edge of the forest I stand in front of the tightly knit trees and stare deep into the darkness ahead as if begging for permission to enter. I respectfully step into the massive realm of woodland and from the first footfall the whole atmosphere changes. The ground is spongy, like walking on foam, and as I place my full weight down the earth seems to hug my Doc Martens and gently release them with each step. Scent from the foliage, mixes with the damp and decay, dances through the air and tickles my nostrils, and sprinkles of dew that are lying in wait leap from their hosts anoint me with weepy atoms, and cool my face with their misty kisses.

But my admiration for the Camp's beautiful forest is short lived when I hear a growl. My electric blue eyes narrow as I glance around the forest. He's near. My bow is aimed and loaded in a matter of seconds. I quickly blow a strand of my grey and black hair from my eyes, but I stay focused on the target. The bushes to my right rustle and I wait for him to make another move. Suddenly, something comes out of the bushes to my left and I spin; sending an arrow straight into my target before reloading and sending another arrow to my second target.
"Ow!" Two deep voices yell out, as I hear the arrows embed the targets at the same time.
"How do you always manage to get us at the same time?" Connor Stoll asks with a frown.
I grin, collecting my arrows from the brothers. "Clearly the sons of Hermes aren't very stealthy."
"Or maybe, Elena here is using her magic and cheating." Travis taunts.
I roll my eyes as I walk out of the woods, closely followed by the Stoll brothers. The camp is so peaceful when it isn't full. The Satyr's and Dryad's are playing volleyball. It seems strange not seeing Grover, he's been recruiting a new Half-Blood. Annabeth, my closest friend, managed to go home for summer, but she's dying to get back and away from her step-mom. That and the monsters that have been stalking her. Luckily, I was able to call upon some of my forest friends to help her. I can't wait to see her, she promised me that she is going to smuggle some Krispy Kreme doughnuts in. I always claim that my fatal flaw is Nutella Doughnuts.
I spin backwards when a screech emits from Connor, but I just laugh. Loki, my grey wolf pup, has Connor's trouser leg in his mouth. I whistle, one short blast, and he heals by my side with a quick growl. The brothers run off to mess with some other campers, but I go round the Cabins and say a quick hello to the head of each cabin.

Katie Gardner is stood outside cabin four, Demeter, directing her siblings with decorating the cabin. I send her a quick wave and she smiles back, but quickly returns to her job. The cabin five campers are sat outside enjoying the sun. It's rare to see them so peaceful. Clarisse La Rue nods as I stroll past with a grin. As I pass Athena I don't see Annabeth, maybe she hasn't arrived yet. All of the other cabins are filled with life, except for Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon. Cabin eight is where I stop. The cabin is an all silver building with silver curtains. It glows silver during the night as if reflecting the moon but looks like a normal cabin in the day. It is decorated with paintings and carvings of wild animals, but mostly the stag. Originally it was honorary, but now I live in it full time. The inside has one bed, a wall filled with books and another wall with weapons. Different bows and arrows are hung like trophies. Each one is sacred to me and my mother. I'm about to walk in when Malcolm Pace, from Athena's cabin, runs up to me.
"She's here." He pants, his grey eyes sparkling.
I grin, grabbing Nightkiss, my dagger.
"Let's go."

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