"Don't let me go"

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Once everyone had gotten over the shock of another Big Three Kid, we retired back to our cabins. This is bad news. Not only has Zeus broken his oath but now Posiden as well! Hades is not going to be pleased. Plus, it means that Percy could be the kid from the prophecy; something Chiron told me when I first arrived at camp.

A half-blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach sixteen against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze

At first, Annabeth and I thought it was Thalia, but when she was transformed into a Pine Tree by her father we lost hope. But, Percy could be the answer.

"You ok, Elena?" Percy questions, his sea-green eyes glance at me as we wander to the Hermes cabin.
I smile softly. "Yeh, I'm just thinking about an old friend. I think you would have liked her." I chuckle. "Or absolutely despised her."
Percy snickers softly.
"How long have you been here? You have loads of beads on your necklace." He points out.
My fingers unconsciously run along the beads.
"A long time. I didn't stay with the hunters for long. The monster attacks got ridiculous, as I was putting them in danger so I left. Apollo picked me up along the way. I was only six."
"Do you miss being with the hunters?"
I shrug. "I miss being with my mum and the thrill of the chase. But at camp I'm safe and the people I love are safe from me." I pause. "I didn't want to take the oath, so I wasn't an official hunter. Plus, I wanted to be near my dad in case he ever needs me."
"You've mentioned your dad before." Percy gently hints. "Are you close?"
"You ask a lot of questions, Jackson." I snap, stopping abruptly in front of the Hermes cabin. "I'm sure you can carry your own things."

With that, I turn on my heels and stomp to my own cabin. Tears cascade down my face, falling faster than I can wipe them away. I feel awful for snapping at him, but the subject of my father is touchy. The only person I have ever talked to him about betrayed my trust and turned against me. I have mentioned him briefly to Annabeth, but even she doesn't know everything. I rush up to my cabin and slam the door behind me. Taking a deep breath, I move towards my bed and get changed for the night.

I awake at dusk, with puffy red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. I hate crying. I grab a change of clothes and head to the showers. Once I've finished I pull on my Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. I take the top layer of my hair and place it in a clip my father bought me for my tenth birthday before exiting the showers and making my way back to my cabin, where I collect my bow and quiver.

The arena is one of my favourite places to go when I need to calm down. At the moment it's empty, just how I like it and I start preparing my targets. Taking a deep breath, I calm myself and check I have everything prepared. Lacing up my maroon Doc's, I nock an arrow into my bow and start the dance that is archery. Each of my arrows finds its target as I spin and shoot in different directions. I am so fixated on my practice, that I don't hear another camper enter the arena. I do one last spin and release my arrow a moment too soon. My eyes land on Luke stood in the way of my target. Luckily, he has fast reflexes and manages to deflect my arrow.
"I guess well-behaved women rarely make history." Luke grins, striding over to me.
"Sorry." I mutter bashfully.
"For what? That was a perfect shot." He stands in front of me and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Are you ok? I saw what happened last night between you and Percy."
I smile sadly.
"It was nothing. He asked about my dad and I flipped."
"That's why you're here." He grins. "Let's spar, I'll get your mind off things. No weapons, just hand to hand combat."
"You're on, Luke." I grin, discarding my bow and quiver.
"Go, easy on me, Elena." The blonde boy muses.
We get into fighting stances and start wrestling. It's not serious, both of us are laughing and playing dirty. Luke manages to trip me up and I land on the floor momentarily winded. He straddles my hips and places his hands on the floor either side of my head.
"Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass!" He taunts leaning down.
We stare into each other's blue eyes, both of us breathing heavily. I've never seen Luke like this before, there is almost a hungry glint to his eyes. He leans down further and our lips connect in a soft kiss. It's nothing special, no fireworks go off like in books, just a kiss on the lips.
"Don't let me go." He mutters on my lips, and I grip onto his orange t-shirt even tighter.

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