Chapter 6

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"Are you sure you'll be ok with him for a few hours?" Emily asked her brother, Christian, as she packed her school bag. She was going back to school a week after having the baby.

"Yes, Em, I'll be fine, besides you'll be in school half a day considering that today there's some teacher-parent conference thing or something like that" Christian said as he rolled his eyes at his little sister who was panicking about leaving him with her son.

"I promise to call if anything happens alright" he said as he walked over to her and pulled Emily in his side as he hugged her with his free arm and kissed her forehead

"Ok" she sighed and toke her baby boy in her arms and kissed his forehead before handing him back to her brother and grabbed her school bag and slung it over her shoulder. They walked out of the room and down the hall to the stairs and into the living room where Marcus and Kennedy were waiting for them to take her to school.

After months of wearing dark clothes, Emily has begun to wear her usual outfits. She was wearing a light pink tank top that showed of her post baby body, tight skinny jeans, with pink TOMS. Her hair was no longer up in a bun, but instead it was down and wavy like se used to have it.

"Don't you look beautiful" Marcus said with a smile

"Well I would say she looks beyond beautiful" Tony said

"She looks like a princess" Ethan said

"Nah, she looks more like a queen" Christian said

"Either way she looks stunning" Kennedy said with a smile

"She sure does bro" Elijah said

"Let's just go you goof balls" Emily chuckled making her friends and brothers smile. She walked once again to Christian and kissed her baby's forehead before saying bye and following Marcus out of the house and to the car that was parked in front of the house. Marcus opened the door for both Kennedy and Emily then closed it once they were both seated and buckled up before walking over to the driver's side of the car and turned the car on then pulled out of the driveway with Elijah following after them in his own car.

"Alright here we are. Elijah will take you both home after school, I have some business to take care off so I won't be able to get you both" Marcus said once parked in the school parking lot

"What type of business, Marcus?" Kennedy asked narrowing his eyes at his boyfriend who only shook his head telling him to not worry about it and that he will see him after. Kennedy reluctantly nodded and pecked his cheek before getting out of the car followed by Emily who also kissed his cheek and closed the door after her. The looks that the students were giving Emily made her roll her eyes and shake her head.

"Why is she even wearing those clothes? She'd look better wearing her dark clothes" one girl whispered to her friends

"She looks hot" some of the guys said. Kennedy and Emily just rolled their eyes and made their way inside ignoring the comments that were thrown at her and walked to their lockers. The whole way there, Emily felt eyes on her and she didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Aaron.

"Do you know when we're leaving?" Kennedy whispered

"Yeah" she replied with a sigh

"When?" he asked

"Next week" she answered closing her locker

"That soon" Kennedy said

"Yeah, but I think its best we leave soon" Emily stated

"And are you going to tell him?" he asked

"The day we leave I'm telling him, not in person but I'm telling him" she said

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