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days have passed and soon it had been a week since taehyung's and jimin's last meet.

jimin was cuddled in between jungkook and hoseok aka his dance partners as they watch the episodes of  scarlet heart.

"no she can't die!! " jimin exclaimed, tears rolling down his cheeks as he huddled closer into hoseok's warmth.

two pairs of arms instinctively wrapped around his waist as the others just laughed at jimin's antics.

few hours later,they've finish the episodes and were now all just staring at the ceiling. soft buffs of breath was the only sound at the moment.

"hey chim, how's you and tae? " hoseok asked.

jungkook could feel the hitch in breath and embraced jimin into his comforting warmth.

"i- I don't know? " jimin replied unsurely.

playing with his fingers, jimin felt a new set of fresh tears at bay and bit his lips to avoid from crying. sniffling a bit, he could hear some shuffling and before he could raised his head, he felt a peck on his forehead.

"I'm fine hyubg don't worry, " jimin assured his friends and cuddled further into the warmth of jungkook while resting his head on hoseok's shoulder.


"tae tae when are you gonna stop?" taehyung just shrugged before typing more into his word document .

feeling a hand on his shoulder, he turned to look at the person. hair ruffled up, a loose shirt hanging on the person's thin figure with shorts resting on the mid thigh.

in other circumstances, taehyung would feel something but now he couldn't care more of what the other was wearing.

"I know what I'm doing. yeah it's hurting jimin but few more days and it'll be the big day," taehyung said while rubbing his temple.

taehyung didn't want to ignore jimin or even say all the curing words. but what more can he do. it's for the future plan.

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