Chapter 5

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In the morning @ 8:00am we watch the news. It said Jamestown High will have no school for today due to the death that happened this morning. We are shocked and didn't know who had caused it. Later in the morning they found out the librarian went missing. Thirty minutes later the janitor went missing. But they searched all around the city for them. We felt bad for the death and the missing people. Later on the death was a man. He was a father of one girl. But to me it made no sense why school would be canceled in the first place.
Three hours later I got my phone out to text Rachel.

Me- hey


Me- did you see the news?

Me- it was horrible

Rachel- :(

Me- I'm guessing you did

Rachel- I feel bad for the missing people

Me- ya same but on the bright side we have no school today due to those mishaps

Rachel- I don't

Rachel- I just don't

Me- I understand


Me- I can't talk about but I can text about it!LOL :P

Rachel- really, are you seriously joking around after that happened!

Rachel- well goodbye I guess

Me- I hope you feel better soon

Rachel- Thx

I think for awhile, and try to figure out who it was and who did the missing people and the dead person. At least that is what I hope. It is 1:00pm right now and I'm driving to Rachel's house which is a mile away.

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