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we walk down the hall and come to a faded orange colored door and Mr.S knocks and another male voice answers kinda shakey "C-come in."(is this house mostly men? Or have i just not met the girls yet?)  Mr.S opens the door and I see a man with orange goggles and an mask, scarf thing over his mouth  "Alex this is Toby Rogers or tick-toby as some call him." Mr. S says as i notice his hands and his eyes twitching  "umm...Hi." i say as I wave my and he watches my every movement making me kinda nervous "h-hi." he says as his eyes twitch again "Alex will be living here so please make her feel welcome." Mr.S says as there's  a loud bang at the door at the door "ROGERS! OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" a angry female voice yells "hahaha!" toby starts to laugh crazily "No way clocky!" he says with a darker tone of voice that truth be told frightened me "I-is he alright?" I wisper to Mr.S "he's fine just a little crazy." he says as the female screams "DON'T MAKE ME BUST THE DOOR DOWN, ROGERS!" and then there's a hard bang on the door and then an ax flys threw the door and hits the wall behind me as i duck so i didn't get hit and the woman enters from the hole thats now in the door and sees us (Mr.s and I) and freezes "ummm..." she look at us and I notice that she wearing an eye patch on the left eye "sorry! here let me help you up!" she says as she rushes tward me and extends a hand that i grab and she helps me up and grabs the ax from the wall " for you Toby.' she walks close to him and extends the ax "Where is my clock!" she shouts an toby points to the pocket watch that is taped to the fan blade (the fan was off) and starts to laugh again "AAAAUUURRRGGG!! IF WE WERE ALONE RIGHT NOW!!" she shouts as she trys to grab the watch on the fan "Slendy a little help?" she asks and he reaches up and grabs it and gives it to her "befor you go Clock-work this is Alex she is the new addition to the mansion" he says as she looks at me and smiles "So...Alex who did you kill?" she asks me "Kill? I didn't kill anyone!" I say confused as i look at Mr.S "What does she mean 'who did i kill'?" i ask Mr.S who is looking at Clock-work intensely " see...How do i explain this..." he says as sally says "We killed people and hid here." and hearing that I jump "W-what?!" I say as I look at Mr.S "Alex don't freak out were we did kill peop- " he starts as I cut him off "don't freak' 'DON'T FREAK!' he says then what am I supposed to do just sit around and act like its normal for people to just kill people?!" I say freaking out and looking for the door or a uncovered window "Alex don't look at it like were murders most did it in self defense." Mr.S says making me freak out even more "MOST?! why do the others kill then 'just cause' or 'excitement'?!" I say as I spot an bathroom door "Alex please calm down..." he says as I rush to the bathroom shut and lock the door and begain to hide and cry in the shower.

Now that i dont have wifi i might make the chapters longer than usual so look forward to that but you wont be able to get them till i find some way of doing so so till then your stuck with what you got... sorry... but if you want to ask me qustions and get the most likely way for me to see them go to my random book and comment there ~Bu Bye

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