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 yoongi had been out of little space again for a few weeks, the weeks had been filled with recording and learning the choreography to their new songs. their comeback was getting closer and closer. yoongi had noticed in this time that jimin had been spending less and less time around, only talking to him if he needed to. this upset yoongi to no end and he had started questioning why jimin was avoiding being around him, so he was questioning himself, did he do something bad while in little space? doesn't he want to be his caregiver anymore? so with this yoongi had been avoiding going back to the dorm, only going back to keep jin calm.  so yoongi was sat in his studio, the door locked and phone turned off, he had been in the studio for nearly a whole week at this point. the members kept coming by the studio to try and get the boy to come back to the dorm, but he was set on staying there to finish the last song that needed to be finished.  he was working on very little sleep, drinking a lot of coffee to avoid falling to sleep, but did have the occasional nap, but he wouldn't sleep for long.  he was tired and frustrated and just wanted to go back to the dorm and slip into little space and be cuddled by his caregivers but he also knew that they were all stressed and didn't want to add to their stress by making them care for him while he was in little space.

back at the dorm the 6 members were all sat in the living room and discussing way to get yoongi to come back home, they all knew that yoongi was most likely stressed, along with not eating much or sleeping. soon enough the boys came up with a plan and in the end jungkook ended up standing outside yoongi's studio. he took out his phone, sending a quick text to jin to let him know he had arrived safely, the boys back home were all busy setting up some of yoongi's little space things back out that they had hidden away when he was in big space. jungkook let out a sigh before punching in the key code to unlock the door, luckily their manager had known the code for the door and was upon till now the only other person that knew what the code was. he slowly opened up the door to see a frustrated yoongi sat at his computer, tears brimming his eyes, he felt so useless not being able to just get the song to sound right, every time he thought he had finally done it, something else sounded wrong and it was becoming a vicious circle, the frustration finally getting to him as he let a few tears fall from his eyes and slide down his cheeks.

"hyung..." jungkook bit his lip as yoongi quickly rubbed his eyes and turned to face the other boy "how did you get in here?" jungkook shrugged and sat himself down on the sofa that was up against the wall behind where yoongi was sitting, making himself at home "why are you here?" jungkook looked up at his hyung and grinned "i've been sent to get my hyungie to come home" the older shook his head as he turned back the computer and made it look like he was working on the song again "i'm busy jungkook.." jungkook smirked slyly as he stood up and walked up to the chair yoongi was sat on and he leaned down and whispered "but baby boy eomma wont let kookie home if i don't bring yoonie home with me~" yoongi frowned as the younger spoke to him "i'm not in little space..." he was cut off by jungkook who had moved slightly so he could spin the chair back around so the older boy was facing him once again "baby boy, you're going to get me in so much trouble and then maybe you'll get in trouble too"

yoongi tried his best to ignore the younger boy, he refused to slip into the little space now, no one needed the stress of having to look after him, but it was getting harder to ignore the younger boy and he finally slipped into space "dadda?" jungkook grinned as he knew he had won that fight, he was also still getting used to the fact that he was now yoongi's dadda "hey baby boy" he gave the little a light peck on his nose, yoongi scrunched up his nose, which caused the younger boy to grin even wider then before "you ready to go home princess?" the little nodded his head and jungkook moved to save the things that were open on yoongi's computer before grabbing yoongi's backpack and putting it over his shoulder, he held his hand out to the little, giving his bunny smile as he did so "come on then baby" the little held the younger boys hand and stood up. 

after locking up, jungkook sent jin a quick text to let them know that he was on the way back to the house with their baby boy. the two walked walked all the way back to the dorm, well almost all the way back to the dorm until yoongi had complained that he was tired and didn't want to walk anymore, so jungkook had quickly looked around and seeing that their was hardly anyone around, he picked the little up and continued back to the dorm, he didn't know when yoongi had fallen asleep but he had. once at the dorm, the younger boy gently knocked the door, seeing as he didn't want to risk waking up the little while trying to get his keys out of his pocket. 

namjoon was the one to open the door, moving out the way to let jungkook in before shutting the door carefully and locking it back up. he then followed the younger into the living room where seokjin and taehyung were still up waiting, the other two boys had gone to bed already, both feeling exhausted. the two smiled as they looked over and saw the three boys "i'll warm up some food for him..." jin spoke as he got up off the sofa he had been sat on and made his way into the kitchen. jungkook with the help of namjoon got yoongi's backpack off and then made his way to sit down next to taehyung, whom cooed at the sight of the sleeping little " he looks like he needs to sleep for years, he looks so tired..." the younger of the two nodded in agreement.

taehyung and jungkook both demanded seokjin and namjoon to go to bed, saying they would make sure yoongi ate and then they would take him to bed, after an small argument, where the four boys were whisper shouting, trying to avoid startling the little the older boys finally gave in seeing the determination on the two boys face and they both went to bed. once the two had woken yoongi up, which wasn't without a little fight to try and get the little to keep his eyes open they finally succeeded and where able to get the boy feed, they decided to give yoongi a bubble bath to help him relax so, while taehyung gave yoongi a bathroom, jungkook got himself ready for bed and then made his way into taehyung's room and got things out ready so that he could get the little ready for bed while taehyung sorted himself out. 

when everyone was done, they all climbed into taehyung's bed at yoongi's request. yoongi having one of the boys on either side of him, once they were all settled in the bed yoongi looked from one side to the other, looking at each boy "i want story" jungkook just cuddled closer to yoongi "i don't know any stories baby..." the little frowned and then turned to look at taehyung with hope in his eyes "daddy tell us a story" the little grinned as he looked at the younger boy "hmmm.... let me think " he looked deep in thought before grinning "how about the story of astronaut yoonie" the little giggled and nodded his head excitedly.

taehyung sat himself up slightly and looked down at the little "okay, so yoonie is a very famous astronaut and he had been to the moon many times, with his friends cooky and mr wiggles" mr wiggles and cooky being the little favourite teddies only made yoongi's smile wider "after a long long ride in their spaceship they finally make it to the moon and the three of them decide to have a little celebration, because they got to the moon safely. they all decide on their favourite foods and blast music so they can dance on the moon" taehyung looked at the little to make sure that he was still awake, which surprisingly he was "our music daddy?" taehyung nodded "their favourite music to dance to when they are celebrating is from a band called bts, whom yoonie thinks that all his hyung's in that band are really cool and his secretly best friends with them all, but he doesn't tell cooky or mr wiggles because they'd get jealous" the little nods urging the younger boy to continue "right, so they are dancing and eating and suddenly!" he stops for dramatic affect "what daddy?" yoongi says in shock as he waits for taehyung to continue "they see a bunny heading towards them! a bunny on the moon... yoonie loves bunnies so he slowly make his way other to the bunny and introduces himself to it -" taehyung stops as he notices that yoongi is fast asleep, he leans in to place a gentle kiss on the boys forehead "sweet dreams yoonie" he then lays back down and make eye contact with jungkook "bunnies on the moon really?" taehyung shrugged a little "i'm pretty sure there are bunnies on the moon..." jungkook shakes his head "you're ridiculous" and with that the two boys, close their eyes and they cuddle up to the little and eventually fall asleep.

the next morning seokjin and namjoon went to check on the three boys they couldn't help but coo at the cuteness of the three of them cuddling together and you can bet they both took pictures of the three of them sleeping.

our little yoongi  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now