Reader X Sick!Levi AU

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Hey!!! I'm back and I feel terrible for it! Well I'm not gonna say much so you guys can get to the story! Enjoy!
Awkward Turtle Kun Out! 🐢

Back story - you and Levi have been dating long enough to have moved in together.
Readers Pov~

     Levi... is certainly an interesting person... And like most interesting people he has his quirks. 1. Likes cleaning everything literally EVERYTHING. He even cleaned me once...
Flash Back

After a long day of work the last thing on my mind was cleaning..... unlike my boyfriend. Honestly, I wanted him to be here so I could use him as a body pillow and my own personal space heater. So when I woke up sneezing like nobody's business to find him dusting my face to say I was annoyed was an understatement.

Flash Back End

2. His tea, like do not get in the way of him and his tea. I hid it one day to see what happened and he was like a blood hound. He actually made a mess.... a MESS!! Like, he is a addict.
3. He works out like a maniac
4. Is a clingy drunk
5. Refuses to admit that he is sick even if a professional tells him he is.
And that leads us to the present situation....

Levi is sitting at his computer typing on it like his life depended on it. He had been coughing and sneezing like every 3-5 minutes. And it wasn't too bad until he sneezed one time so loud that I jumped and through my gold fish across the room. And frankly I had, had enough of it... no one mess with my food. "Jesus Christ!" I get up from bed walking to the kitchen getting him some hot tea and some medicine. I set it down next to him on the desk. Then comes the hard part... getting him to stop working. I place a hand on his shoulder. " Levi, stop working. You're sick and have been running on nothing more then stubbornness and tea." I say to him in a sweet voice attempting to coax him into laying down and taking it easy. "I'm fine. Any way I have to go and meet Erwin and Mikè for a meeting." Levi stands abruptly making me stumble backwards a little bit. He continues to change into an proper shirt and pants then throws on a coat. I walk with him to the door sighing when he opens the door. Levi stands there and attempts to give me a good bye kiss, but I was not having it. I push Levi away preventing him from kissing me. " Oh no you don't, you are not getting any kisses or probably even hugs because you are sick as a dog. So, until you get better you are on restriction" Levi just gives a huff and begins to walk out the door but not before I hear him mumble under his breath "but I'm not sick" I turn back to him an almost shout "what was that?!" "Nothing!" He replies giving me a nonchalant wave of his hand. " that's what I thought." I turn around an get settled on the couch, not even 15 minutes later Levi comes storming in with an angry expression plastered on his face. Staring at him with a confused expression. He sits down next to me on the couch, scooting over away from him to show I'm serious about the restrictions. Levi just gives an exasperated sigh " Erwin and Mikè kicked me out of the meeting because I'm "sick"." Scoffing at the end Levi crosses his arms over his chest pouting. Chuckling at how cute he looks at the moment. I go and grab the medicine and tea that was previously forgotten and bring it to him "will you finally drink it now?" I say arching an eyebrow. Levi huffs but reluctantly takes the tea and medicine. Levi then try's to be sly and rap his arm around my waist. I quickly stand up, grab a blanket, and throw it on him. "Really?" Levi says but then pulls me down on his lap before I could go back to my spot. "Fineeee." I say having a small smile as he puts his arms around me an put his face in the crook of my neck. "I want to kiss you." "No Levi." "Why not?" "Your sick and will get me sick." " I'm not and I wouldn't." Yes, you are." "I hate you." He says in a mumble as he snuggles more into my neck and pulls me closer as he begins to fall asleep. "Love you too." I say kissing the top of his head and wrapping my arms around him.

" I say kissing the top of his head and wrapping my arms around him

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