Request prompts!!!

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Hey so I know I haven't been on recently and I would really love to continue this. Requests are infrequent and I would love if you all would send some so I made a prompt list to kick things up! Here all you have to do!
Step 1: Choose a number or numbers
Step 2: Send them to me over the messages or comments
Step 3: Send any other special information that you want with it EX: AU or not, the context of how the prompt is said, etc
Step 4: Tell me if you want to stay anonymous or want me to tag you in it
Okay thank you!

Awkward Turtle Kun Out! 🐢

1. I figured you must be blackmailing that poor girl/boy to have lunch with you
2. I think it's fair to say that I'm pretty sexy
3. don't want to live in a world where there are no cookies
4. You have nothing to lose except your lonely loser status
5. Shut it, you faker!
6. sure am tired from all that relaxing I did today
7. Then I can spend my entire allowance on comic books and video games and no one can stop me
8. [NAME] made fun of me because I say 'insert word or phrase' all the time.
9. I waited and waited because I really wanted to see you
10. Tell papa/mama what's up
11. It hurts my face just looking at you.
12. Marry me.
13. I look forward to seeing what you're gonna do with my butt.
14. A trash bin..? Is this a clue to your true identity?
15. I'm beautiful, but I'm also deadly.
16. I hope you go to jail.
17. A.What did you do to my body?
17. B. Stick to chocolate and comic books. You're too young for love anyway.
18. I'm sorry.. please don't be too mad at me.
19. I have a big favor to ask you.
20. Maybe I'll just go home and lock myself in a closet.
21. I gotta admit, I really love that one show where all those people do the stuff and then something happens.
23. Here, touch my skin. It's totally slimy right now.
24. I probably look in the mirror 24 times a day just to be sure I'm still so darned handsome/beautiful.
25. Guess what I've got in my pockets right now
26. Better not catch you making goo-goo eyes at my wife/husband.
27. No one understands me. I'm hungry all the time and no one cares.
28. Are you suggesting my style is outdated?
29. Don't play with stink bugs, especially when you've got a date coming up.
30. They don't even care who wins. They just all flex their pecs.
31. Love means accepting that there will be times when you don't get the last (insert food item).
32. Yeah exercise is totally hard and stuff. I think I'm gonna go take a nap and read a book or whatever.
33. Today was the day my best friend in the whole wide world was born.
34. Whoa you look so weird. And not weird in a hip way. More like 'weird' as in 'makes me want to barf.'
35. End my suffering.
36. Not to sound corny but I really like you.
37. I wonder how I can say 'swaggy ' in the most grown up way possible.
38. Just because two people are good friends doesn't mean they'd make a good couple.
39. Sorry, I was staring at your face because I don't know you. Not because there's something wrong with your face.
40. The truth is never free but sometimes it's on sale.
41. They tell you to sleep on a problem. But what if your problem is insomnia?
42. I'll just observe your friends from the shadows.
43. Watch out, 'cause I'll compliment you until you puke.
44. So D.I.Y. stands for 'do it yourself'? Well, if these guys think I'm going to do my own manual labor, they've got another acronym coming.
45. I can smell your confidence. Smells like soup.
46. I'm gay.
47. You're my hero.
48. Please don't call on me.
49. I think I dropped my house key somewhere. That was my favorite key... it opened my house.
50. Do you want to hear the brutal truth? That outfit is a hot mess.
51. Oh, I get it! You're playing it cool. Trying your best not to cry.
52. You still find another way to amaze me, and I love you for it
53. I had/have never met some one who gets me so well.
54. Oh wow, I'm really gay.
55. You are beneath me, SQUID!
56. I'm really glad I've never had an anxiety disorder.
57. Wow, I'm glad [name] is asleep, otherwise they'd be really upset right now.
58. You're gay!? Woah! I never would have guessed.
59. We're going out to dinner. Have fun masturbating.
60. You know you don't actually live there, [name].
61. He's lecturing! SCREAM!
62. All hail Florence Nightingale, our lord and savior – hallowed be her name.
63. To invoke her name, thou must wash thy tiny hands before the final
64. We were waiting on [name]'s Splatoon-loving ass.
65. A plate! A plate! My kingdom for a plate!
66.. Come to the kitchen in the next 30 minutes if you want an ass kicking and by an ass kicking I mean brownies and/or ice cream.
67. S/He has been talking about the (insert show) and their literal religion for, like, an hour and a half.
68. I need your soul. And by your soul, I mean I need to see you to give you a key.
69. You should lure [enemy] into my den of iniquity so we can start reprogramming him.
70. How many condoms is it safe for me to eat?
71. Answer me, you fool!
72. The fact that I'm the responsible one here is hysterical.
73. What would I need to do to get you to curse someone?
74. I saw [enemy]. His hair isn't ugly, but it was so much better before. What a fool.

Sorry about no bold I got lazy with the numbers. I hope this encourages people to request thanks everyone

Levi x Reader One Shots (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now