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- Your reaction to him crying -

Calum:  It was kinda funny because he had run into a wall on the Macca's playground due to having too many drinks and had started crying. "WHY IS THERE A WALL HERE?!" He yelled making you double over in laughter "You idiot, its there for a reason-" "I DON'T CARE" He yelled cutting of your older cousin (insert name here) making you fall to the floor in a fit of laughter "Calum c'mon now its time to go," Joy came in laughing "But-" "Calum let's go you egg..." She said sternly but with a smile on her face making Calum get up, but stumble a bit before walking out with tears streaming down his face.  You all got into the car and laughed as Calum began sobbing into your shoulder "It's alright, I'll beat him up for you Cal" You said trying to hold in your laughter "Thanks sis." He cried before passing out in a drooling mess on your shoulder. 


You had walked in and found him sitting on his bed crying into his hand while holding a framed picture of you. "Ashton?..." You called quietly making him spin around to face you "Y/N? What are you doing here aren't you supposed to be-" "I came back for one last hug" You smiled sadly at him while opening your arms.  He nodded and walked to you and touched your shoulder lightly, just in case you would disappear into thin air.  When he realised that you wouldn't he pulled you in and held you close to him and hugged you like his life depended on it.  After some time you looked at the clock on the wall and checked the time. 10 minutes. You squeezed him and hugged him harder than you ever did before and let out a shaky breath "It's time for me to go Ash..." You felt him nod his head and let out a shaky breath. He squeezed you and breathed in your scent one last time before letting go.  He looked at you as if trying to remember you for later and moved your hair out of your face before speaking up in a hoarse voice, "See you later Y/N" You smiled at him and walked to the open door that lead into a world of white "See you later Ash." And with that you turned and walked through the door, closing it behind you as the same smile remained on your face.


You literally had no idea why he was crying but he was. You were both jamming to music together, one playing the guitar and the other singing when he suddenly burst into tears in front of you "Are you okay?..." You cautiously asked, lowkey kinda scared of his reaction to your voice "Noow... I misns mu bahuby...." He mumbled loudly. You looked at him confused "Huh?" "I SAID NO I MISS MY BABY" He said raising his voice making you jump back a bit "Don't tell me you're talking about-" "I MISS MY GUITAR" You rolled your eyes at your older brother for crying over something so random "Luke, you can just buy another one it ain't that deep..." You said sitting back down and playing your guitar "Shut up. At least you still have yours together and not in millions of pieces-" "Oh my goshness it's not in millions of pieces" You rolled your eyes "STILL! It's in some sort of pieces!" He said with tears threatening to leave his sad blue eyes "That didn't even make sense..." You said looking up at him "Does it look like I care?" He snapped making you sigh. Seriously, your brother can really be that dramatic.


Crying? Sorry, he's too punk rock for that lmao...

OKay that's the last one for this book ig... 

Thank you to everyone who read this and supported me thru this, but now it's time to put this "book" to rest and continue on with something else. 

Much love to everyone who still read this and has this in their libraries, thanks for sticking around till now.

Once again thank you all for everything... Loves up y'all ❤

Gotta Blast 🚀

- N xo

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