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Core classes(A must take for 1st-5th years. 6th years and above: See part two)

Part 1

Astronomy: Professor Sinistra

Charms: Professor Flitwick

Defence Against the Dark Arts: Professor Quirrel

Flying(First years only): Madam Hooch

Herbology: Professor Sprout

History of Magic: Professor Binns

Potions: Professor Snape

Transfiguration: Professor McGonagall 

For 6th years and above, the professor will only accept students who achieved a certain grade in their OWL. Professors will be the same as stated above.

Part 2





History of Magic(A)



This is electives for 3rd to 5th years. 6th years and above, please take a look at part 4. 

Part 3

Arithmancy: Professor Vector

Care of Magical Creatures: Professor Kettleburn

Divination: Professor Trelawney

Muggle Studies: Professor Myers(Played by me)

Study of Ancient Runes: Professor Babbling

For 6th years and above, the professor will only accept students who achieved a certain grade in their OWL(except for Apparation and Alchemy). Professors will be the same as stated above.

Part 4

Alchemy: Professor Bailey

Apparation: Ministry Officer Clarke




Muggle Studies(EE)

Study of Ancient Runes(O)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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