Introduction and Rules!

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Welcome wizards and witches, to Hogwarts. This will be your home for the next 7 years and your house will be your family, so choose wisely. 

This roleplay is set in the Golden Trio's first year at Hogwarts. 


1. First of all, *sighs* you can swear. But I rather prefer you not. If you have to swear, replaced the letters with symbols(#$@&) or use another word(fudge). 

2. Maximum of four characters. But they all cannot be the same gender Also, KEEP TRACK OF YOUR CHARACTERS!!

3. Hate the CHARACTER, NOT the PERSON behind it.

4. This is very important. WAIT TO BE ACCEPTED.

5. Keep it PG-13, please. If you want to take it a step further, *points to PM section* private message.

6. While roleplaying, it is important to remember that you have control of only your own character. You can have your character say or do anything that you like within the rules, but you can't force any other character to do something without their consent. 

7. In continuation with the above, there should be no god modding. No saying that the curse you casted hit another character in the chest. You should leave your post open so that the character you are roleplaying with can decide what he/she is going to do.

8. No power playing too. The Quidditch match is roleplay, and you get to decide what your character will do. Your character is not invincible, so no dodging every bludger, catching every quaffle etc. Besides, it's more fun to see the characters reaction to something not gone to plan.

9. Keep your form in one comment. Trust me, it makes it simpler for me to navigate.

10. No killing other characters without the person playing the characters permission.

11. Three strikes, and your out!

12. The password is 'Turn to page 394.' 

13. If you play a canon character, you must be active. If you have to be absent for whatever reason, pm me to inform me. Otherwise, you might be deleted from the book. 

14. No relation to canon character without my and the person playing the character permission.

15. Last but not least, HAVE FUN!


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