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Nandu took a whole day's rest and forgot that she had to make dinner and she didn't make dinner.

At night

Manik came back home and went to the dining table but there was nothing to eat.
he shouted nandini.

Nandini was sleeping and because of the shout she woke up went to the hall and saw that manik is really angry at her She knows now she is gone.

She went to manik with small steps and stand front of him manik see nandu and hold her shoulder soo tightly and pushed her nandu hit wall and fall manik went to her hold her hairs and said

Ma- why the hell uh don't make dinner
Nandu with a slow voice.
Na- I forget.
Ma- forget what.
Na- I forget to make dinner.
Manik slapped her.
Ma- u forget dinner f9 I will give uh punishment jiske bad uh never forget to make dinner or anything.

Manik dragged nandu in store room and within second nandu was inside it locked.
nandu didn't understand what happened right now.
when she comes to her senses she sees around and finds only darkness which she really hates which she can't afford which she doesn't want in her life but still her life is dark and full dark.

She started bagging door to open
Na- manik manik pls open door pls manik mujhe bhot dar lgta hai manik plzz open manik I can't live with this darkness manik plzz open.

Her hands is bleeding becoze
she was bagging the door.
She was shouting bagging to open but she had nothing but tears.

She stops shouting as she knows there is no use.

She sat beside the door resting her head on the wall.

She started thinking.

Nandu POV
I was sleeping than I hear manik shout
I immediately go to hall and went in front of him he slap me and
I fall he hold my hair which is giving me pain tears are not stopping
He told me that he punished me and that I can't forget to do anything.
he drug me in the room he pushed me and locked me.
I come to my sense I find myself in a store room which is covered with darkness which.
I hate the most darkness becoze of which.
I lost my everything. darkness which scared me so much.
I can't breath with this darkness I can't
I went to d oor and started shouting and begging for open but no one came and this darkness is killing me.
I still remember that night dad and di went and never came to dad and di met with an accident and after that mom also left me.
I was fully covered with the blood of my mother ahhhh mom.
I miss uh Di dad why uh leave ur princess why I am so alone I am alone I wish i also not have to live but
I have to have to for my rishab.
I can't make his life hell I can't and only for my rishab m here.
I want to make my rishab save save from every monster every darkness
I want to be his shining star I have to face this darkness for my rishab I have to and I will come to know why manik is doing this.
I know he love me
I know there must be any big reason I only have rishab and manik if I die rishab ka kya hoga
Pov end

Slowly slowly nandu closed her eyes and fainted.

Here manik was breaking things
He went to his dad's pick and crashed it and said.
Ma- dad I don't know why I'm not feeling to punish her uh know in the morning when i went to see her in the bathroom she was lying on the floor.
i makes her lie in bed i don't know why m was not feeling well I should be happy but I was not dad why but she need punishment I need to make her life hell I still remember dad u go and never come.
I lost uh becoze Nandu she killed uh she and her dad killed uh dad I will take my revenge not matter how I with make hell I will kill each and every feelings for her I have no feelings no feelings for her yes I have not ahhhhhh dad I hate uh nandini I hate to have feelings for uh.

Nandu Locked inside the room for one whole night and day at dinner tym manik went to Nandu and picked her up as she was faint He made her lay in bed in her room and did first aid after some time.
Nandu opened her eyes because manik threw water in her and manik said come down and eat dinner nandu did and eat dinner sue is hungry and after that she went to sleep and she slept.
Next morning nandu wake up and went make breakfast manik also wake up come down every this is ready he start eating and nandu was stand beside him she want to ask him something but she can't manik observed that she want to ask something manik said.
Ma- what uh want to ask.
Nandu was shocked how he came to know that she wanted to ask but she didn't reply which made Manik angry he stood and started walking toward her. Nandu started walking back and soon Nandu was sandwich between him and the wall.
manik put his hand both side and come to her face manik said.
Ma- what uh want to ask.
Na- I want to talk to rishab.

Chappy over
1000 words m so happy and huys what uh think if nandu dad and sister was died than how nandu and her father kill manik dad s a confusing naa don't warry I pfomis u guys love to read it and it will be ur fav story plzz vote guys by tc

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