Where i am staying

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Jake: anthony you will be staying with the Martinez twins and Anthony you will be staying with Tessa
Anthony's POV
oh my gosh I actually get to be in the same room with Tessa for awhile!
Tessa's POV
OMGGGGG Wait... I think I have feelings for chance
Tessa: Erica can I talk to you for a second
Erica: sure what's up
Tessa: um I think I like chance
Erica: really? Well you should make a move and say something before someone else gets him
Tessa: okay thanks

Later that night

Tessa : I'm going to bed good night everyone
Chance follows her up to bed
Chance: hey Tessa can we talk?
Tessa: yea I actually need to talk to you too
Chance: you go first
Tessa: okay. Chance I like you
Chance: I was about to say the same thing
Tessa: what does this mean ?
Chance: let's take things slow. What about a date tomorrow at the cafe down the street
Tessa: that sounds amazing
Chance: okay I think I'm going to go to bed now
Tessa: same with me
Chance: hey where did Jake put the mattress?
Tessa: I have no idea but you are more than welcome to share the bed with me
Chance: okay thanks
Chance lies down in the bed right next to Tessa
Tessa: good night
Chance: goodnight

Chance POV
I can't take it anymore I really like her so later that night I slow leaned in for a kiss and she smiled but did not wake up

Tessa POV
omg he kissed me!!!! I pretended like I was still asleep but I couldn't help but to smile, so I leaned in for another kiss and and I ended up falling asleep in his arms

Chance POV
she kissed me back! But this time she gave me a hug and fell asleep into my arms. I woke up the next morning with her still asleep in my arms so I slowly gave her a kiss on her cheek. As soon as I did that she woke up and smiled at me.
Tessa POV
I woke up to feeling very protected and secure but then I felt lips on my cheek and I slowly opened my eyes and it was chance , i smiled and so did he

Tessa: good morning
Chance: good morning beautiful
Tessa smiles~
Tessa: I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for our date
Chance: okay I'll be waiting here

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