The date

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Tessa POV
I got of the shower and put on a white casual looking dress on then do make make up and hair I walk out and chance's mouth drops
Chance : wow you look beautiful
Tessa: thanks
Chance: now I'm going to go take a shower I'll be out in a couple of minutes
Tessa: ok I'll be here
Chance takes a shower then gets dressed and fixes his hair~
We both walk down stairs and head out to the cafe
As soon as we get there chance went to go use the restroom

Chance POV
I get to the cafe and I get really nervous so I go straight to the restroom to freshen up. As soon as I walk away I here Tessa yell " hey don't touch me!" And a deep voice said come on baby girl I miss you
Tessa: go away Charles you cheated on me for 2 years straight, how am I supposed to forgive you for that!
Charles: come on! ~grabbing her shoulder and pulling her back~
Tessa: ow!!
Chance runs back to Tessa and yells...
Chance: Hey get off my girl like that!
Even though they aren't official yet
Charles: wow Tessa you got this wimpy little boy
Tessa: he isn't wimpy! And yes I have moved on!
Chance: get out of here! NOW
Charles ran out of the door with fright
Tessa: sorry that was my ex who was married while he was dating me
Chance: it's okay as long as you are safe
We sit down and eat and get to know each other more and more
Which made me like her more and more. After that we head back to the team ten house and head up to the room... we had a talk

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