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Tessa's POV
So the next morning I wake up to me in chances arms but this time I woke up in tears. Chance opened his eyes and seen me wiping my tears away...
Chance: what's wrong?
Tessa: I had this horrible dream that we had to break up because of me moving away so far.
Chance: oh I'm sorry we'll find a way to make this work
Tessa: ok
After that we walked downstairs to get breakfast and we see Jake crying.
Tessa: omg what's wrong
Jake: alissa is already saying that I cheated on her on twitter
Tessa: wow that's petty
Chance : yea

* tessa's phone starts vibrating *

Tessa: hello?
Tessa's mom: Tessa I want you home now!
Tessa's mom: well I don't care o want you home now
Tessa: ok whatever bye
And then I start crying and I ran up to my room and of course chance follows me
Chance: are you okay?
Tessa: no my mom wants me home tonight
Chance: what!
Tessa: yea :(
Chance: but why?
Tessa: I do t know she won't tell me
Chance: okay :( I'll help you pack
Tessa: okay thanks babe
Chance: anything for you my love

We finished packing and I had started to cry

Chance: don't cry everything will be all right
Tessa: I hope so
I began to walk out of the house with chance and I turn and say I love you chance
And chance replies saying I love you too
Tessa: bye
Chance: bye
We hug for like five minutes and then I get in the under and leave

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