Chapter Two: Decisions

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"Harry, it's been two weeks, mate. You're running out of time."
"I'm not going to rush her, Ron."
"You say that as if the two of you have all the time in the world. Just get married and get it over with."
"Not everybody is like Luna, wanting to get married three days after they receive a decree."
"Hermione and Malfoy got married two days after us." Ron pointed out.
"Only because Malfoy's father is trying to get back on the Minister's good side."
"Look, Harry, I'm just saying. She needs to be okay with this soon because it's not going to change and she's wasted half of your time already. When is she going to realize that?"
"Mr. Potter."
The two turned around and found themselves facing the woman in question.
"Professor McGonagall."
Harry saw her flinch at the title and resolved not to call her that again.
"I was wondering if I might have a moment with you?" She asked.
"Of course. Ron was just going to find Luna anyhow."
It wasn't a lie. Not really. That had indeed been where Ron was headed until he noticed Harry walking alone in the corridor after dinner heading toward the Gryffindor common room.
Ron walked away and Harry found himself following the deputy headmistress until they reached her office.
"Sit down, Harry." She told him, motioning to the chair in front of her desk.
Harry sat down and expected her to do the same but was surprised when she chose to lean against her desk instead.
"When do you want to get married?" She asked bluntly.
Harry blinked in surprise.
"We only have two weeks left before the deadline. I'm supposed to set an example for students and I've already not done that. The Ministry is getting antsy. While I'm not sure I wouldn't prefer Azkaban to our current situation, I won't let you end up there with me?"
"Azkaban might be preferable? Do you really think that lowly of me, Minerva McGonagall?" He joked.
"Of course I don't, Harry." She sighed. "In fact I'm rather grateful that the Ministry chose to pair me with you and not one of my other students but that doesn't mean I find this outcome appealing. You're so young, Harry. The Ministry has no business forcing you to marry an old witch like me."
"I can't really say I mind. And you're not old. Certainly not by wizard standards."
Minerva raised an eyebrow.
"I mean it. If the Ministry is making me get married, at least they paired me with an intelligent, kind, fair, talented, not to mention beautiful, witch such as yourself. The only other witches I can think of that fit that description are Hermione and Ginny and marrying either of them would be like marrying my sister."
"I can't help but feel as thought I'm going to absolutely ruin your life."
"You won't."
"How can you be sure of that, Harry?"
"Because I know you. You aren't capable of such a thing. Even if you turn out to be the worst wife in the world, which is completely impossible, you're keeping me from returning to the Dursleys so you'll always have that going for you."
"I tried every summer to convince Albus to let you stay at Hogwarts." She whispered her confession. Harry only barely heard her.
"You did what?"
"I hated the thought of sending you back to those horrid people, Harry. I tried every summer but Albus insisted that the protection of blood was more than anything we could ever offer you here."
There was a knock on the door, interrupting their conversation. Minerva waved her hand and it opened.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall. I didn't know Harry was in here. Professor Dumbledore sent me to get you. He wants to see you in his office." Lavender Brown said from the doorway.
"Thank you, Ms. Brown."
The girl disappeared and Harry stood, prepared to finish this discussion at another time.
"Where do you think you're going? You and I both know why Albus wants to see me; you might as well come along." Minerva told him.
And so, Harry found himself following her for the second time that night, though the silence between them was only slightly less awkward.
"Fudge Flies." She said as they reached the gargoyle and ascended to the headmaster's office.
"Minerva, I see you've brought Harry. It's seems my guidance isn't needed after all." Dumbledore observed as they entered together.
The old wizard watched as the witch in front of him shot a look at her soon-to-be husband that clearly said "I told you so."
"So, Minerva, I take it you and Mr. Potter have made a decision?"
"We were trying until you sent Ms. Brown to interrupt us."
"You'll have to forgive me but now is not the time to have the Ministry breathing down my back and they are getting rather impatient with the two of you."
"They'll wait until we're both ready!" Harry snapped.
"Do you really want to test them, Harry?" Dumbledore asked him.
"I could take Fudge in a duel any day. I could take three-fourths of the Ministry's employees in a duel for that matter."
"I'd rather not get married to a mass murderer." Minerva interrupted quietly.
"If we get married I'll have no reason to duel Fudge but if you aren't ready, he can wait until you are." Harry told her.
"We might as well get married sooner rather than later."
"We still have two weeks." Harry pointed out.
"And neither of us will be any more ready than we are now."
Albus Dumbledore watched the two in front of him come to a decision. He'd never voice his opinion aloud but he had to admit that he could see something coming out of their marriage, unlike so many of the others. They quite obviously cared for each other. Perhaps not as a husband and wife, but Albus believed they one day could and eventually, they might even learn to love each other. Harry had always acted older than he was. He'd been forced to mature much faster than any of his peers; he'd been forced to act like an adult his entire life. Albus had no doubt he'd be a wonderful husband and father, even at sixteen.
"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, did you hear a word I just said?" Minerva asked, sounding exasperated.
"I'm afraid not my dear. I do believe my brain is becoming full of Wrackspurts in my old age."
Minerva looked confused but Harry just rolled his eyes.
"Don't ask." He muttered to her.
"I said Harry and I will get married on Saturday."
"Don't the two of you need time to prepare? That's only two days away." Dumbledore asked.
"Molly and Arthur, their oldest children, Remus and Tonks are the only people that need to be informed. I don't have anyone left outside of Poppy, Rolanda, and Pomona and Harry's friends are already here." Minerva said and looked at Harry for confirmation that she had included everyone. He nodded.
"Very well. Will the Room of Requirement suit your needs or would the two of you rather get married in the Great Hall?"
Noticing Minerva pale considerably at the thought of getting married in front of the entire student body like all of students had so far, Harry gently put his hand on top of hers resting on Dumbledore's desk and answered.
"The Room of Requirement is fine."
"Then it seems we are finished here. Goodnight, Harry. Minerva."
The two left and soon found themselves in front of the Fat Lady's portrait.
"Well-er-goodnight, Harry."
Harry was positive he'd never heard the woman in front of him unsure of what to say.
"Goodnight...Minerva." He responded awkwardly.
"Harry, we're getting married in two days; there is no reason for you to be afraid to use my first name anymore."
"No, I suppose there isn't."
"Are you going in or not? I'm ready to go to sleep, you know." The Fat Lady interrupted them.
"Sorry, Orion's Belt."
The portrait swung open, revealing an empty Gryffindor common room as everyone was in their dormitories getting ready for bed.
"Well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then." Minerva said.
"As if I would ever dream of skipping your class."
"I should certainly hope not."
Harry moved toward the portrait hole and both of them were surprised to find they had been holding hands since they left Dumbledore's office.
Minerva swiftly pulled her hand away.
"I'm sorry."
"What's there to be sorry for? It's not as if I have an aversion to touching you."
"You should." Minerva said sadly, her lighter mood gone and replaced with the guilt and fear she'd felt the last two weeks.
"No. I shouldn't."
To her surprise, Harry kissed her cheek before disappearing into the common room without another word.
Minerva was also surprised to find she didn't mind at all. And she rather liked it when he called her Minerva, which only made her feel worse.

As Harry prepared for bed, he thought about his actions outside the portrait hole. He had nearly gone into the common room only to lean forward and kiss Minerva on the cheek before he could think twice about what he was doing and stop himself. She hadn't looked angry with him, only surprised and scared. He hoped he hadn't overstepped her boundaries. He didn't want to start his marriage in the doghouse. It was going to be trying enough already.

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