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Altruistic (adj.) - showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish

~Elizabeth POV~

"Bitch!" a girl yelled at me as I accendentially bumped my shoulder into hers. "I'm so sorry," I apologized softly. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, this time purposely shoving me so my arm hit the lockers. She's probably having a bad day, I thought. I walked the halls, having the feeling of dozens of pairs of eyes burning into me.Yeah right, like they'd want to look at you, stop being so egocentric, I thought once again to myself. Reaching my locker, I unlocked the lock with my combination, thankfully only after one attempt. I neatly placed the materials and books I wouldn't need until after brunch into my locker. I checked my reflection in the small mirror on the door of my locker. A gift from my mother. I sighed sadly taking in my not-so-pretty features: dull blue eyes, boring brown wavy hair. Oh stop thinking about yourself, I mentally scolded myself, closing my locker and locking it afterwards.

Silently, I walked to my next class, which happens to be my elective, guitar. The acoustic guitar to be in fact. I'm not that good of a guitar player compared to most people in my class. Do not think too much of yourself. Do not compare yourself to others, I reprimanded myself. I took a deep breath then walked into the classroom, taking my guitar off my torso and sitting in my usual place. I guess I chose guitar because I have a passion for music and it's my great escape. As everyone else sat down, our teacher, Mr. Gilbert, announced, "We have a new student coming in and he has chosen this elective. I expect all of you to treat this student respectfully." A new student? I curiously looked around the room and the rest of the class looked like they already knew. Why didn't anyone tell me? They don't have to tell you. You don't have to know what they know, I rebuked myself once again. "His name is Luke Hemmings and he will be coming in shortly," Mr. Gilbert added.

The new guy; I wonder what he's like.You don't have to know what he's like, just respect him, I told myself. For the next few minutes, I tuned my guitar and about 5 minutes after I was done, the door opened and silence filled the atmosphere. In the doorway, came a tall boy with a blond quiff, blue eyes, a lip piercing, and a guitar case. He has this aura that screams 'trouble' and makes me want to stay away, but something in his eyes tells me a different story and intrigues me to know more. Just respect him, I reminded myself. "This is Luke Hemmings, the new student. Hey Luke, why don't you take a seat next to Elly," Mr. Gilbert said gesturing to me. All heads turned to me as I sat there awkwardly. The boy nodded and walked over to me taking the seat next to me. I don't think I've ever been this nervous before. "Hello," I greeted him. He didn't answer and began taking out his guitar. He probably didn't hear me. I guess I probably shouldn't say anything to bother him, it is his first day here.

Turning to my right, I saw some girls giggling on the other side of the row of chairs. By the time Luke had gotten his guitar ready, Mr. Gilbert said, "Today will be our sound/listening test. You will listen to a piece of a randomly selected song only one time, then play it afterwards. Elly, would you like to go first?" I nodded, but on the inside, I was saying no and feeling bursts of anxiousness. "Okay then, here's your song," he said touching something on his phone. The sound of the guitar played in the speakers. I sighed in relief as I heard the tune of 'I See Fire' by Ed Sheeran. I know the song, but I never really tried playing it so it might be a bit tricky. He stopped the song after twelve measures then turned to me. "Go ahead," Mr. Gilbert said. I played the twelve measures effortlessly, or at least I hope so. Once I finished, he said, "Well done Elly. Nice job." "Thank you," I said. He then walked around the classroom, doing the same and asking them to play whatever twelve measures they hear.

Most passed, including the new boy, but others played as if they had never seen a guitar before. Don't judge anyone. Since there are more than thirty students in the class, the period was over by the time Mr. G tested everyone. I put my guitar back in its case then put it on the shelf at the side of the classroom. We keep the guitars there until the end of the day, where we take them from their shelves and bring it home to practice. Walking out of the classroom, I was tripped by someone. I heard a roar of laughter and stood up to see Luke. It was probably an accident. He was smirking, and almost in a menacing way. "Sorry," I apologized and began walking away, but turned around for a second to see a confused expression on his face. Turning back around, I walked to my locker, occasionally being shoved . I was probably blocking the way. How selfish of me. I reached my locker and unlocked it once again, putting away my guitar folder and taking out my math binder.

I put my math binder in my backpack and decided to roam around the campus to pass the time. Walking around the lunch table, I saw Luke sitting with the populars. I walked away when I saw one of the populars, Tiffany, pointing to me and laughing. She's probably pointing to something else. I walked to my next math class, standing and waiting for the bell to ring. People passed by me, whispering, giggling, and laughing. They must be lucky to have friends. With still about 10 minutes left, I went to the restroom to pass more of the time. As I entered, I checked my reflection fixing my clothes a bit. A Def Leppard tank top, red and black flannel, light blue jeans, and black combat boots. To make my hair less boring, I dyed it red at the tips, but it didn't do much. Sighing, I walked back out to the math classroom. When the bell finally rang, the math teacher, Mrs. Shaw opened the door and I walked in saying hello to her in the process. Taking my seat, I saw a familiar face walk in. The new boy, Luke Hemmings.


(A/N) Hey it's julescool. Enjoy the story and keep in mind of this quote: "There is really no difference between the victim and the bully." ~ Lady Gaga

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