He wants kids

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Shawn and yourself had gotten back from your honeymoon. You guys spent 2 weeks in bora bora which you loved. Currently you were unboxing the last of the gifts you guys received at your wedding.
"Need some help?" Shawn walks into the living room, carrying a mug filled with tea.
"No I'm actually done," you take the mug out of his hand, thanking him. Shawn nods looking at all the present your family and friends had given you guys. You took small sips of the drink watching him.
"What's this?" He lifts up the photo album that was actually a baby book for when you two were to have kids. "Oh." Shawn smiles as he opens the book. "I can't wait to have kids," he looks at you as he sets the book down.
You took another sip of the drink, then set it down on the floor next to you.
"We've never talked about having kids," you brought up. Which was true, the two of you never actually talked about your future as a married couple.
" I want at least 6 kids," Shawn grins, his eyes sparkling.
"Come again?" You raised a brow at him. You were not going to give birth to 6 kids. You didn't want to put your v.agina through that kind of trauma.
Shawn laughs at the look you were giving him. He opens up the books again, flipping through the pages.
"I want 6 kids," he blushes using the book to hide his face. Shawn was too adorable and innocent.
"Awww, look at my baby," you tease climbing into his lap. You took the book away from him, pecking his lips. "Why do you want so many kids though?" You question him.
Shawn shrugs, wrapping his arms around you.
"I just want us to have a large family, and I love kids," he admits.
"Six kids is a lot of work," you pout, "plus how will six pregnancies effect my body?"
"Regardless of what you look like after child birth I will still love you. Your body would be gifting me the opportunity to become a father," Shawn nuzzles his face in your neck.
"I love you." You smile running your hand through his hair.
"You love me enough to start having a kid now?" He asks hopefully.
"Like now...as in today?"
"As in this minute." He smirks. You shook your head at him, tugging on his hair gently.
"Only cause you're cute Mendes."
Once you said that, Shawn was quick to throw you over his shoulder and up to your shared bedroom. 

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