🐢 Speaking only to one specific animal; particularly one they might be afraid of.
🐙 Breathing underwater for a slightly longer-than-average time, but definitely not for hours on end.
🍌 The ability of always being able to find/make food, regardless of how little ingredients they might actually have on hand.
🔧 Someone who can fix just about anything, despite prior knowledge. (Maybe they lose the ability of being able to fix one specific thing if they learn about how, instead of just doing).
♥️ The ability to heal very minor wounds, such as bruising (maybe only on self).
⚪️ The ability to make bubbles of water out of the moisture in the air.
🎵 Someone who can memorize any song's lyrics by only listening to them once.
✔️ The ability to accurately guess just how much money they're about to spend on their purchases without having to pay attention to the prices when they pick things off the shelf.
💮 Being able to understand someone else, when they're speaking another language, but being unable to talk in that specific language to respond.
⚠️ Someone being able to predict an accident most likely to happen at any given moment of the day, but these accidents don't always occur.
☯️ Someone who can only spread rumors about someone else and the people who hear them always believe them.
〰️ The ability to grow one's hair out super long in a matter of two days.
✒️ The ability to only write someone else's story/story ideas.
⚔️ The ability to fight with just about anything, but this doesn't mean they're good at it- they just know how to use it.
🎭 Someone who can always remember the dream they had- they might also have the ability to see other people's dreams.
🌱 Always being able to grow a plant, regardless of the seed's well-being.
👄 Someone who is able to detect if two (or more) people are a match, romantically. The problem with this is that many people are able to match and still not fit together as a couple.
👍 Someone who can charge their phone or electronic devices, within reason, using their hands (with their own electrical output).
👐 Being able to levitate objects within a certain pound/ounce limit.
✨ Someone who can detect another person's allergies.
💫 Being able to turn invisible for a minute, but during this time, the person can't move.
🌸 Someone who always smell clean, despite what they've been through (i.e wading through a sewer).
🍃 The ability to fly exactly one inch off the ground and slower than walking speed.
💨 Someone with the ability to move in slow speed, affecting absolutely no one but themselves.
🍹 The ability to moderately heat up liquids, such as water or soup.
🌙 Someone who can change their eye and hair color at will, but it only lasts for an hour.
🌵 The ability to stick things together, like glue.
🎺 Someone who can turn a part of their body invisible, like their flesh and muscles (walking skeleton, anyone?)
Writing help
Cerita PendekEverything for Writing. ‼️Credit goes to all the prompt writers‼️