A normal life...

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(Edwards POV):

I woke up on my bed as usual, I brushed my teeth as normal...but something was off, I could tell.

Pushing the thoughts asid,  I got dressed into my purple sweater and camo cargo pants and left for school. But when I took a glance at the time, I realized I was running late...again. So I threw my shoes on, and rushed out the door.

I ran about half a block and when I noticed I was walking down a big street, I pressed the button on the cross section to cross and I heard from a car passing by " you're late loser!"

I simply just  smiled at the now a huge cloud of dust of the red sports car. "Ughhh,"  I say under my breath furiously. Mitchell is being a pain again.

When I arrived to school, my day went by as normal. Everyone ignored me.

I was to shy to make friends I almost always sat in the back the cafeteria, playing  minecraft of my phone...like all the last 7 months of school, I was not really as I would say "new " to the school; I had been her for 7 months already, and I'm still just too shy to make friends.

The bell rang and I only had 2 classes left, which went by fast.

I was walking home when I noticed a long and shiny stick looking like object in the trash, so I reached in and started to dig it out because it was stuck underneath all the garbage. But whilst doing so, I once again heard the loud purr of a sports car engine racing by and then two words come from someone who I despise. "trash picker" along with the click of a photograph being taken.

I pulled out the long object and studied it for a second...then realized it was a sword.

I continued walking and when I was inside, I placed the sword down onto a metal table. the garage.
The sword was really rusty and old;  it looked like it need a good fixing up.

Good thing my dad is a welder. I have all the tools I need here, I think to myself.

So polished and sharpened the sword and when I was donel it looked like a killing machine.

It was getting late and my parents got home.My mom made vegetables again for dinner which I didn't eat because I was sick of the mushy, green vegetables spilt all over the white plate. Instead, I head up to my bedroom and onto my bed. Iwas tired and ready to hit the hay.

I took a warm shower and brushed my teeth, I got into bed. But when my eyelids were drifting closed, I saw the garage start to glow a dark red and then stop...

" I must be more tired than I thought" I said to myself.

My eye lids where starting to get heavy and my mind started to slow down. "Whoah that was fast Iv never had a dream that fast. Why am I conscious...aren't I'm supposed to be asleep?" I ask myself.

when I looked around the dim room, there was nothing. Only the cold, erie darkness.

"Welcome I've been expecting you, Edward."

I turned around and saw a tall mans shadow. When I noticed I was being held by the arms by two tall men well at least they looked like they where men, in a deep voice I heard, "I see you have found the key to your future."

I yelled back ,"What key? And how in the hell did I get here...?"

The deep voice chuckled and replied, "Bingo! Ding-dong... HELS BELLS!" And after, a evil laughter.

I looked at the men that where holding my arms and some glowing light turned on and they weren't men at all...

The one to my right was at least 6"6 and jacked. He was a dark brown color and had sharp fangs...and th e most odd thing of all, he had red pointy wings covered in looked to be blood. The wings were as wide as 5 feet.
The guy to the left was almost exactly the same.

The deep voice spoke again. "Let him go he can't hurt me."

The what looked to be demons let go of my arms that where almost turning blue because of their insane grip strength.

I looked up at the man in the dark shadow and asked, "What do you want from me? And how did I get here..?"

The man in the shadows walked towards me and when he was no longer in the shadows, I noticed he wasn't like the demons. He was tall and white and had big blue eyes and golden brown hair.

He sat down in a chair infront of me and said, " I don't want anything from you...yet, and how you got here.. well when you fall asleep you enter a different realm that people that are awake can't see. But instead of me letting you go and dreaming like you normally would, I brought you here..as you said..today isn't a normal day."

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