Partner, partner im crime

33 16 3

Holding her hand as we walked, that's the only thing that calmed me down. We were headed towards my house I was gonna show her the long list of names in a more peaceful place. A place where we can actually relax for a second, her parents didn't like me much I'm not sure why...but never the less I liked them like family like people I should die for.

We got to my house and as we walked In the door we heard a loud screeching sound like a car in the movies, a mail car had driven up to my parents home. Out came a white man , we where about the same height and almost the same build. He came with a large heavy box that he needed a small cart to move every time those small wheels rotated 180 degrees there was a small squeaking sound. We where face to face and his eyes where an odd color.

"Hello sir who are you looking for?" I said in a calm but alert voice.

"Well on the list it says Edward."he replied

"No one named Edward lives here that's my nickname.." I replied in a now high alert voice

"Oh shut up idiot I don't have all day, the boss sent this as a token of appreciation for a job well done now take it or I will throw it through one of your windows!!!." I heard in an angry voice

"Alright calm yourself asshole." With a big smile I replied

"Weighs a ton I do t know how you'll get it inside because the cart leaves, see ya around Edward.." he said as he got in the mail van.

I tried picking the box that was wooden and sealed shut with what seemed to be 10 inch bolts.
I heard from behind me "take the pants off dude they'll just weigh you down"

I took my pants off right then and there but luckily I had shorts on and I reached down and tried to pick up the box that seemed to weigh a ton, I heard that same annoying voice "you can't because you are weak, I don't even know why heaven is with you...weakling!"

"Shut up retard go away!!!" I shouted with rage. As I picked up the box like it was light and easy work I walked it into the house and into my room where heaven was sitting on my bed.

"Friken asshole that actually worked" while I walked out to apologize, once I walked out the door the front lawn was empty so I shut the front door and it made a really annoying "clank" sound.

I was exhausted and smelly and full of blood stains. "Hey umm baby Ima take a quick shower uhhh, my Xbox is right there turn on the TV or something."

"Umm oki sure" she replied in the most soothing voice iv ever heard, her voice just makes me relax and reflect on my actions.

Her voice is like being deserted on an island with nothing to drink and then all of a sudden you see a fountain.

While I the shower I noticed a pretty big  stab wound, "damn he got me good, UHGGG!" I dropped to the bathroom tile floor. The cut was deeper than I thought.

I finished my warm shower and headed for my room I walked in to see heaven playing call of duty.

"Sorry forgot to take a shirt" I said in a very embarrassed tone

"Oh it's okay I don't care "she replied while starring at my stomach, "wait what the hell is that!?" And pointed at my now bleeding rivers stab wound...

I rapidly put on a shirt, " umm nothing.." I groaned and fell to my knees.

She grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed, I lay flat on my back and I felt a warm hand pull my shirt up and examine the wound, she picked at it and made me scream" STOP IT HURTS..!"

"You need to see a doctor! " she demanded

"I'm fine, don't need no doctor all up on my grill.." I replied

She helped me sit up and I looked at the box that had not moved an inch since I brought it in, I struggled over to my back pack that was hanging on my door. Pulling two new obsidian daggers from said back pack we left for the near by woods.

I handed her the new purple daggers as we walked Into the deep dark woods....

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