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Dirk and Jake entered the Hospital building together, walking to the elevator and standing in silence like they did before, waiting for it to stop on the appropriate floor. Both of them were lost in their thoughts, worrying about various things. Their main and shared concern was Roxy's health. Callie never called, and neither did Roxy. The two were uncontacted while they were gone, so they hoped that was a good thing, and Roxy was happy. Or, at least, not in the condition she was when she tried to end her life.

Jake had other concerns though, and so did Dirk. One of Jakes concerns involved the new job. Dirk had barely reacted to the news, and he couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, he was stressing over it. What if Jake messed up too often and Dirk got tired of training him? Or, perhaps would fail to train Jake, and get punished for it? Many possibilities were... well, possible.

While Jake was thinking about the job, Dirk was thinking about College. Like, how he never went to his fucking classes. He forgot, often than not, or he had to choose his career over his education. Of course, his career won because Dirk needed money... to pay for the classes he didn't go to. He let out a sigh, causing Jake to glance at him in silent worry. "Ready to go back in?" Dirk asked the brunette, looking his way just as the elevator dinged, alerting them that they were on the right floor.

Jake glanced at the Elevator door before looking back to Dirk, "er- yeah, sure." He nodded, unsure of how to respond. How could anyone be ready to see their friend in that condition? Sure, she was happier when they left, but from what he heard about depression...... it was like a flip of a coin, where heads was happiness and tails was depression. It all depended on Roxy's luck, in all reality, no one could really control it. The depression controlled her like a puppet on strings, and the odds were almost always against her.

Dirk simply nodded at his response, understanding completely. He didn't really wanna go back in there, but he knew he had to. To be honest, he just wanted things to flash forward. Maybe they could have a friend's night out or something? It'd give them all time to relax, and they'd get a chance to see each other content and happy, instead of seeing one of them laying in a hospital bed or something of the sort.

The two strolled out of the elevator and began their small walk to the room Roxy resided in for the time being. The walk was only about a minute long, but it was just as awkward as the elevator. Neither knew what to say, mainly due to the fact that it was hard to carry average day conversation during such a time of stress. Therefore, they both figured it was pointless to try, and instead carried on getting lost in their thoughts.

Once they reached the room, Dirk held open the door for Jake, who walked right in and pushed back the curtain. Roxy and Callie laid on the bed together, sleeping, while the power puff girls played in the background. The brunette couldn't help but smile. They were so sweet together,at least, when they weren't being total dicks and non-accepting of their true love. Everyone knew they belonged together, he just wished they'd get past this rough patch in their love story and get to the soft, loving moments instead.

Dirk walked up behind him and bit his lip. "Why don't we leave them be? We can check out the cafeteria. Believe it or not, but I'm a functioning human being who needs food." He smirked, trying to keep the mood light. He didn't want Jake to lose that cute little smile of his. After all, he was in love with the boy.

Jake chuckled at the other, and he could swear his smile made the room more bright. "Okey doke! Sounds like a good plan to me." He nudged his bro playfully before restoring the curtain back to it's previous position. "Let's hurry on then! I'm feeling a bit famished myself!" Jake was as enthusiastic as ever. He strutted right past the other, heading straight for the door, which Dirk chuckled at. He wished he could go through life with as much stamina and excitement for things as Jake had. Life would be so much easier, he figured, not knowing how much Jake actually stressed.

He's Kinda Hot Though [Dirkjake]Where stories live. Discover now