Chapter 6

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Patricia's POV

~Part 1~

I rush to my room, making sure the creatures did not notice me slip away. Missy scolds me as usual and forces me into the bath. I sink into the bubbly waters. My hair floats around me, turning a dark brown from the water it absorbes. I sigh. I guess some creatures truly do not like humans, but I am still confused about why everyone seemed to fear that horrid man, even Talon. I thought Talon said he was fearless.


I watch as Lucas leaves with Knight. I sigh, sadly. I am going to be alone. With Missy and those despicable tutors. Why me? Why couldn't the guys take me with them?

I sulk down the hallway and pass a grand door. Sounds of metal against metal pique my interest. I slowly walk towards the door, hearing singing and laughter. I push on the door slightly to be blinded by bright light. I peak through and notice that it is outside. I see two boys swordfighting.

I walk over slowly, watching them masterfully fight. They look like equals, neither getting the upper hand. Another boy walks over to me.

"Hi! I'm Gustin! I am the soon-to-be dancing tutor of the Lady Patricia! Who might you be?" The blonde asks excitedly. I giggle. His blue eyes sparkle as he waits for my answer.

"I am Patricia." I say. It takes him a few seconds to realize what that means.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady." he bows.

"Please, call me Patricia. Lady is too formal." I say awkwardly. By then, the other two boys had stopped fighting to come over to meet me.

The taller of the two takes off his helmet to reveal an identical replica of Gustin. I stare shocked, looking from one Gustin to the other.

"This is my twin, Gavin. Gavin meet Cia." Gustin says. I blush. No one but Lucas and Knight have ever called me that.

"It is a pleasure to. . ." Gavin says only to be interrupted by the other boy who takes off his helmet to reveal a tan male with dark brown locks. A feather is hanging from his hair. "Don't forget me. It is a most splendiferous honor to meet you, chica (girl)." He says, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on it. "I am Talon, crown prince of the anihumans."

I blush at the kiss but perk up at the mention of anihumans. "Do you know of Knight, your Majesty?" I ask.

He smiles, softly. "Yes, he is my younger brother." Wait, what?!?

"He never told me this." I say.

"You know him?" He asks, shocked. "He is Lady Patricia's noble steed. He doesn't make many friends."

"That may be because I am Lady Patricia." I say, slowly and cautiously.

Gavin whacks Talon upside his head. "You kissed the hand of the Lady Patricia!?! You could get into trouble with the Dragon Keepers!"

"So what? I am not afraid of anything. Besides, it is a sign of honor and respect to kiss a lady's hand!" Talon argues back.

Gustin and I just watch the two argue, spitting hurtful words at each other. Until, Talon says, "Te odio! Deseo que nunca fueras mi amigo! (I hate you! I wish you were never my friend!)"

"What does that mean?" I interrupt. They both freeze.

"Sorry for fighting in front of you, Lady Patricia." Gavin appologizes.

"Yeah. Sorry." Talon mutters.

"You still didn't answer my question!" I say.

Talon smirks. "You will find out later, since I am your Spanish teacher."

"No fair." I pout.

We then all burst out into laughter.

*Flashback End*

I sigh. Those were good times. Speaking of good times, I remember that one time Gustin and I convinced the others to join us in dancing. Gavin and Talon argued over who should dance with me first. So I made them dance together for the whole entire thing. They kept fighting over who should lead and stepped on each other's toes the whole time. Gustin and I couldn't even dance because we were too busy laughing at how hilarious those two looked.

And sure, those two do fight a LOT, but they truthfully are best friends. I just hope they don't fall in love with the same girl. Now that would be a problem. That girl would be running for the hills to get away from those two and their squabbling. Now that I think about it, did any of those boys ever have a lover? They are of age, yet I never see them with any girl. Maybe, it is from the lack of YOUNG girls within the castle? There is only Missy and me, who are young. I am taken, of course; and Missy isn't interested.

The last time one of the boys tried to talk to her. She dumped the dirty bucket of water from washing some clothes all over him. Soaking both him (Talon) and the person behind him (Gavin). Gavin was so mad that Talon had to sleep outside for a week until Gavin calmed down.

"My lady, you must hurry up the ball starts in an hour; and you are not even ready!" Missy shrieks. I huff and get out of the nice warm tub, stepping onto the freezing cold stone floor. Uugh. Why couldn't it be nice after you step out of the bath? Why? Why? Why?

Missy helps dry me off and wraps my hair up in the towel. She tightens my corset until I can barely breath and quickly changes me into a soft blue silk dress. Pearls line parts of it in the front as well as small ruffles of a silver lace. She dries my hair carefully, making sure that water won't drip onto and ruin the dress. I brush my hair out and braid a small portion to work as a crown around my head. The rest is put in a bun by Missy. My shoes are silver flats, and my mask is a silvery blue with pearls lining the edges.

I start to put on gloves but stop, once I notice a glow. I look at the glow and see it is in the shape of a cut. My mind flashes back to my fight with that horrid man at the waterfalls. He cut me with a magic sword! How did I not notice that before?!? What am I to do if I get caught? I can't let anyone find out who I am. This is bad.

I pull up the gloves and sigh when I see that they cover the cut mark. But just barely. I should find the guys. They might know how to fix this.

"Thank you, Missy, you may leave." I say, dismissing her.

"One final touch." Missy says, going behind me to place a necklace around my neck. "It is for protection." She whispers softly. "Just in case anything were to happen at the ball." Right. I forgot. My life rests on my performance. I am the future wife of one of the Dragon Keeper Leader's sons. If I am not accepted by the creatures of the court, my life and my country's are doomed. What could go wrong?

Thaddeus's POV

~Part 2~

I will find you, Lady. You are different than all the other girls, and believe me when I say that you SHALL be mine.

So, my lovely readers, what do you think? Also I would love to hear any comments. Your silence kills me. Next chapter is REALLY important so have patience.

Until then, my peeps :p,

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