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Patricia's POV

The day in which my life started was supposedly very gloomy.  Grey clouds covered the sky, and rain fell down in heaps and buckets.  The rain had not stopped, and people feared that this week-long rain would never stop.  My mother was weak, and my father was planning to set up barricades and more protection for everyone because we were going to be attacked by the Dragon Keepers.

My family is a noble one and is powerful, very powerful.  The kingdom was falling, and my family was the only noble one left.  I had five brothers at the time, and they were of no use to the kingdom. The Dragon Keepers demanded a large amount of money; an amount that we could not afford.  The only other way was marriage, but the king did not have any daughters.  My family would be next in line for that problem, but I would not know until after my birth.

When I was born, my mother cried tears of joy and sadness.  I was the hero.  I saved the day, but the thought of losing me to another already made her cry.  My maid said that the rain stopped the moment I was born and that a rainbow appeared in its place.  That day would go down in many kingdoms' histories as the day a baby girl saved her kingdom.

That day my first sights and sounds were my father rushing over and lifting me into his arms and saying to my mother,  "My dear Elizabeth, look our baby girl is born!" over and over again.  My mother only nodded and whispered, "My dear little girl, my baby Patricia." before falling asleep.

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