당신을위한 싸움 [v]

763 38 4

S U G A | 0 0 3
— chap. 5
【 POV 】

The corner of my memory
A brown piano settled on one side

When I arrived at the dance room, I felt that I was gloomy. My eyes were fierce, It hardens but I felt it glassy. My heart: it feels heavy for no apparent reason.

And I was walking as I grip my own fist while I secretly glimpse the two of you; talking.

Shit, she shouldn't be here.
You shouldn't be here. I mean.

Why is she here Jimin? Why are 'you' here? Aren't the time alone between the two of you, isn't enough?

My face darkens as I then quitely slouch at the floor, just as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

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