chapter 5

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all dove can see was pitch black

he didint have the strength to get up

"its possibly night" said dove laying in a ertenal falling loop

"get up crybaby" said a voice like doves

"huh" said dove has he was lifted up

came out of the shadows was dove?!

this dove had yellow eyes and black open jacket with a white shirt and black pants with black shoes, he had a cowboy hat on. he also had a black masquerade mask on with a white pattern on it

"are you me??????" asked the dove in the air

"yes and come to your senses and stop being a crybaby" replied the black dove

"hey im not" shouted the floating dove throwing a fit in the air

"yes you are are! hint if griffon threatens you ingnore her" yelled the black dove

black dove put his foot down

"also you wont get your mask if you be like normal people"

the room faded and black dove went with it two

the dove that stole the phoenix's heartWhere stories live. Discover now