Dedicated to my father.******************
To the man who told me to suck it up ,
Instead of wiping my tears .
To the person who asked me to fight my own battles
And the one who shoved me face first into my fears .Thank you father.
You are like the sun
But its rays of confidence you exude ;
Of meeting life head on
And celebrating its hues.You are the rainbow spanning the sky
; the mist stretching far into the horizon .
Your words are lighting and thunderclap ,
Splitting the sea even when its frozen.You taught me to be the wind beneath my wings
Like the eagle soarsTo walk on my own path
Despite the occasional detours .And never you treated me
as a damsel in distress
But as a warrior ;
my own knight with a quest .I have yet to thank
a many millennia ahead ;
In crisis ,as my conscience, you will
Come to my aid .So I know gratitude wont cut it
but only living up to the maelstrom in your soul.
I wont burn as the fire ,
No !
I will burn like the coal.-Yours Truly
Taylor Phoenix
Tautegorical Tales
PoetryEveryone goes through life feeling certain things they cannot describe but in poetry. Here are a few of my humble attempts to capture them on paper.