|Final day.|

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One week pass and i didn't realise . I made new friends and good one too. One was Ashni and one was Nina . Those two was like sisters and the gladly accepted me in their group .

Today was the day when i would perform. I've already chose my song that i would sing as today was singing audition , i've decided to sing a simple and common song .

I was finally call , coming on the stage i found i was the last one and that the hall was full. So here start my song. Touch- By little mix .

I sang like i usually do in parties and when i would be call on stage to perform. The song had beats in it thats why i loved it as it was cool and rocking. As i was singing some girls join me on the stage and started to do chorus.

They were good and some boys even came to dance on my song. Gosh i feel nice. I was now smiling and singing. In front of me some couple was dancing. And soon the song end. And every one clap.

The teachers told me that i was in the top 10 and now they were going to see our dance so that we can dance with the main characters of the song . That is those boys. I don't even know who was the boys.

This time each girl was pair with one girl . I was pair with a girl name samantha . She was the shy one and cute type . She told me to choose the song so that our song can be a hit as my song was hit. I thank her for her compliment.

The dance audition was held 2 days after today. And i was planning on choosing a simple song too .

Since today samantha and i had 4 free period we prefer to start to practice. So we decide on the song

Samantha was not sure if we should dance on it as she heard that the main was singing it on the event she was not sure.

So i try my best to convince her and she finally accepted .

Gosh we plan every signal step with precaution in terms of making it mind blowing , we both wanted something different so we did a ballet plus salsa combination.

At the end of the day we were both tired . We plan to do this tomorrow to.

I say my good bye to her and went to fetch my book in the empty corridor as everyone left and i was alone. That's when i saw something, Mr Blue eyes going at the back of the school. I followed him and when i reach their i found him talking to someone that was quite handsome too.

But wearing clothes like in 6th century . He was like those warriors but a bit different cause warriors did not have golden necklace and red cap.

They were speaking quietly when i heard it.

She's back . Are you taking her back. MR blue eyes said.

My older sister should be by my side to rule, prince. Mr red cap said.

Prince what the and what was they taking about. I was ready to go when i dump into someone , it was my music teacher Mr Bryan .

He smirk at me and then left.


Don't let down

The long lost princessWhere stories live. Discover now