I'm sure, no one will ever read as far
So if you did
Congratulations on having a shit taste
Welcome to the last page
You must be lost if you read it
Let me show you a way out
Fuck You. Read it again
Now close it
And forget about it
So rude....but are you still here?
Come on, that's not even a poem
Go go, get out
You trying to find something worthy
On the bottom of wattpad
A commercial shithole
For those who know no better
Then asking others to 'please' read and comment my story
I very much wanna hear what you gotta say
And fuck, I'm so so sorry
For all of the mistakes I've made
No I'm not
That's sarcasm
You can't tell
Just close it
there's really nothing else worthy to read here
It's bad old me.
Go on close this shit
a young and old dog
PuisiHere's gonna be a collection of my many sketches. Short and long poems and stories. Hope some of you enjoy a piece of me