Chapter 1 : The New Girl

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((Moana P.O.V))

This is it. 

I hugged the books in front of me even tighter as I gaze upon the castle-like structure of the academy. Or if it actually was an academy. This one was bigger than my island. Bigger than Te Fiti! 

Alright, Moana, it's normal to get anxious, especially when you don't know anyone around here. 

I took my first steps, crossing the bridge above a big lake, and finally arriving at the open gates of the academy. 

I took a deep breath. I needed it. 

I stepped inside, and a wave of some sort of magical feeling just gushed over me. It was... Amazing. Magical. I couldn't find an exact term for it, but it sure was great. 

Red velvet carpet covered the floor, and there were pillars that supported a curved ceiling, decorated with academy banners that said "Welcome Back", and glass stained windows of what seemed to tell a story. 

I caught myself staring at it, before snapping as i remembered to find my locker.  Classes start at approximately 40 minutes, and by the size of this school, it was best if I move quick. 

I adjusted my uniform, which consisted of a white thin polo underneath, with a formal black blazer with the logo of the school attached on the side. I brushed of my skirt, which was honestly a little odd and awkward for me. It was knee-high, and I've never worn a knee-high skirt before. Though i did see a few of the students wear it a little higher, but that's their style. Also, these knee high socks are itchy! 

I jogged across the giant hallway, and finally, I found lockers. Well, I hoped one of those were mine. 

There were a few people standing by, arranging their things and gossiping about who knows what. Probably their summer experiences. Their faces were absolutely stunning, too. 

I finally then found my locker, but there was a girl blocking it. She had long scarlet hair that falls to her waist, and had fair skin. The girl was seeming to have some trouble. As I neared her, I realized she was having a hard time reading the numbers. I had guessed she had problems with her vision. 

And so, I approached her. 

"Hi." I waved my hand, successfully gaining her attention. "I'm Moana from Motunui. I'm new." 

She stared at me for a solid second, before replying. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "Hi, is this your locker? I'm Ariel." She nodded as she gleed. "...From the ocean, I guess." She added jokingly. 

"The ocean?" I said, a little to enthusiastic about it. "I love the ocean! But, does that mean...?"

Ariel sighed, blowing her side fringe off of her head. "Pfft, I would've kept my tail if the ocean was so gorgeous. I'm a mermaid, actually!" 

My grand ma used to tell me all about these stories, and up until now, I believed they were nothing but fiction. I was facing and talking to a living proof. "That's amazing!" I squealed, barely containing my excitement. 

I wanted to swarm her with questions. But unfortunately, all I've got is 15 minutes before class starts. I was looking forward to having her as a lunch mate. "Anyway, I think you have a problem with your vision?" 

"Ah, yeah." Ariel sighed. "I lost my glasses the day before, and I'm getting a new one today after school. I haven't even found my locker yet." Ariel was in clear distress. 

I nodded, Ariel making way for me to arrange my locker. "Then I'll help you find yours. But lets make it quick." And with that, she quickly agreed to. 

It wasn't long before we found her own locker, and at that exact moment, I bid her goodbye until the next break and headed to my class, which fortunately, isn't that far enough. I was glad I wasn't late, either. 

I felt a large crowd of eyes stare at me as I enter the room, and I found a seat near the front. Being the new girl, means that you have to deal with people looking at you until they got used to it. I placed my bag on the side, and patiently waited for a teacher to come in. 

Then, all of the students went to their places as the teacher entered the room. The teacher...looked kinda cute. But peculiar, I guess. It was a duck wearing a sailor hat and shirt. He also had a pretty funny voice. I knew I was going to enjoy this. This is definitely what you don't see much back at Motunui.

"Good Morning! How was all of yer vacation?" He asked enthusiastically, only to receive no reply. "I'm Donald Duck, as some of you may already know. Call me Mr. Duck! Now, we have a new student with us. Please come in front and introduce yourself."

I stood, a little shy, but I brushed it off and stood in front with confidence. "I am Moana from Motunui. Its nice to meet you all."

"What did you do?" Mr. Duck asked, a question I wasn't sure how to answer. I looked at him with a confused look, before thoroughly explaining it.  "I meant, what was your story-- your achievements before you got here." 

I saw everyone suddenly leaning in their attention to hear my story. "Well, in my place, a 'heart' in form of a stone was stolen, and it was destroying our islands slowly. With the help of my good friend Maui, the demigod of the wind and sea, we help to restore it back to Te Fiti, and then, our islands were at peace once again." 

"Woah sorry I'm late!" A boy with fairly tan skin and a messy brunette rat tail hair entered the room, almost like he was barging in. He was disheveled and messy. "I uh--" He tried to find a legitimate reason, but was stopped by the teacher. 

"How many times has this happened?" Donald Duck frowned. "I suggest you invest in an alarm clock!" 

The boy rolled his eyes, displaying a small smirk. "Right, I'll make sure of that." And with that, he walked to the nearest empty chair and placed his bag in front. 

That was weird. I raised an eyebrow at him before the teacher signaled me to sit down. Soon, all of the other students were introduced. And from what I recall, they were : Kristoff, Jasmine, Jane, Kida, and Jim. A lot of J's and K's. Guess I'm a rule breaker. 

We were given the rest of the time to get to know each other, and the class arranged a circle to do so. 

"So, long time no see, fellas." Kristoff shrugged. 

"Jane, when was the last time I saw you without that sketch pad?" Jasmine took a peek over Jane's shoulders. "Oh, right!" Jane replied, with the fanciest accent I have ever heard. "Sorry about that."

"Jane, I like how you speak. I like the accent." I smiled at her, and to see her blush a bit and smile made me happy. "Thanks." She said, nodding her head before facing her sketch pad again. Maybe she draws. 

There was one girl who looked unlike the others, though. "That was an amazing story by the way, Moana." Kida glanced at me. 

"Oh, thank you!" I stared at her dark tan skin with blue peculiar markings, and snow white hair. "What... What race are you? You don't look like any of the races I know."

Kida giggled. "I'm from Atlantis. Shocker, am I right?" 

"Yeah, wow, I'm surprised." Jim rolled his eyes, tossing a ball from his hand to his other hand. Kida rolled her eyes as well. I was guessing Jim was kind of a guy who would hate being forced to interact with. What could be more shocking and jaw dropping than a hidden city? Could he just be messing with Kida? 

"Oh, and where are you from then, Jim?" I narrowed my eyes at the seemingly arrogant boy. 

"Montressor. I bet you don't even know what it is." 

"Try me. A state from a city?" I glared at him, dropping my shoulders. 

"It's a planet, kid." 

I did not expect that. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widen in disbelief. 

"It's true, Moana." Jasmine shrugged. 

People here are way more magical, peculiar, odd, and literally out of this planet than I thought it would be. 

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