Chapter 2: Rapunzel

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(( A/N: I make the edits myself! I know the uniform isn't as accurate as i imagine it to be, but I cant find a show that had the at least exact same designs. Let me know if you find one!))

(Moana P.O.V)

A few hours have passed and it was finally lunch time. I was starving! I was so nervous earlier that I had to skip breakfast because i felt like I would throw up. 

I exit the classroom and I was greeted with a gigantic hallway once again. Now, all I need to do is find the canteen, which was a bigger problem just looking at the size of this academy. 

I brushed my hand through my hair, breathing in and out before thinking. There were a few students wondering around. Maybe I could ask them...

"Watch out!!" A voice from behind warned me. I turned to see a teenage girl with really, really, really, really long golden hair. That wasn't the most weird part: She was swinging on it. From the ceiling. 

"Ah!" I got hit from her body, which was swinging rapidly in my direction, the both of us falling in the floor and her hair following along. 

I groaned, rubbing my probably bruised torso. "Ouch, that hurt..."

"Oh no, I am so sorry!" The girl gasped, a hint of fear and worry in her voice, before helping me get up back in my feet steadily. "I didn't mean to do that, really. I'm really sorry I--"

"It's okay." I assured her, laughing to ease the tension she was feeling. "The only thing that's bugging me is how--" I blinked, gesturing my arms to her hair. 

"Oh, right! You must be new." Her emerald eyes twinkled. "I'm Rapunzel." She shrugged. 

She had fair skin with freckles lining her cheeks and nose. However, her most striking feature is her hair. It was... well, long. And it was golden, just like the sun. I knew I was going to like her. 

"Moana. From Motunui." 

"From, uh... Corona." 

I gestured her to walk by me to the canteen as I asked her more and more questions. But one question I forgot to ask was something I should've asked earlier. 

"Oh, by the way," I hated to interrupt her. "Do you know where the canteen is? I'm getting a little hungry. " I glanced down as i shyly smiled. 

Rapunzel swayed her arms. "Of course! Its a little near here anyway, and I'm also starving!" The blonde exclaimed comically. "Class was so boring! And I had no friends with me there." 

"Sounds familiar to me." I joked, giggling as I lightly jabbed her arm with my elbow. 

She laughed, before tucking her hair behind her ear. "There's someone I want you to meet!" 

"Really? Then I'd love to meet him. Or her. And I also want you to meet someone! Though I'm quite sure you've met her before." 

We both nod as we made our way to the canteen. 


It wasn't long before we made it to the canteen, or should I say, the royal eatery. Man, this place is huge! Really, really, huge.

There was chandeliers above us, and it had consisted of 2 floors. The food was exquisite. The tables and chairs were fit for a king.

All I could ever say to the sight I was witnessing was a small "Wow."

"I know, right?" Rapunzel added. "You'll never get used to this sight after spending your entire life inside a small tower." She hugged her arms, smiling as she reminisced her first days here at Walt Disney Academy.

I glanced at her, then the surroundings. Was Ariel here somewhere?

As I was scanning the area, I was interrupted by Rapunzel from behind. "Oh, Moana, this is the guy I want you to meet!"

I turned to see Rapunzel wrapping her thin arms around a boy, around his early twenties,with brown short hair and a thin beard covering the bottom of his face. He had hazel eyes, and he was wearing the male school uniform, only modified a little to match his personal tastes.

"This is Eugene." Rapunzel raised her shoulders in excitement. "He's kinda my boyfriend."

"Kinda?" Eugene chuckled. "Ouch." He teased, earning a soft giggle from Rapunzel.

Rapunzel cleared her throat. "Eugene, this is Moana. She's a new student."

"Nice to meet you, Moana." He spoke with a deep voice, offering his hand for a formal shake, something I have to get used to when I arrive here. We don't usually do it back in Motunui, but in here it seems very common.

I shook his hand with enough force, sorta delivering a message that I was confident in what I was doing.  "Likewise, Eugene." 

"Wow," Eugene took back his hand. "You're strong, huh." 

"Oh, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I panicked for a second. Rapunzel giggled from the back.

"No, you didn't hurt me! It's just... new, kinda. The only ones who have a strong grip here like you are Pocahontas and Mulan." 

I giggled, and after a short pause, I broke the silence. "OH, I have to meet someone! See you soon Rapunzel!" 

She waved her hand as she went off with her arms wrapped around Eugene, talking about whatever they had in mind. I had to find Ariel, in this seemingly large, intimidating, crowd. I have never seen a crowd this huge before. 

Red hair. Ariel had red hair. This should be fairly easy. 

I entered thew crowd, bumping into a few students on the way. It was a little awkward, apologizing the best I can to anyone who I was bumping with. 

"Ariel!" I called, as I saw her turning around trying to find the direction she was called at. Right. I forgot she had no glasses. She couldnt see as much. I guess that's what happens when you spend the rest of your life on water and just getting out of it recently. 

I waved my hand, jogging to where she was. "Hey!" I panted. At her bench, she sat with two other girls and a boy. "Hey Moana!" Ariel smiled, scooting over for me to sit down. 

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Moana. She helped me with my locker today." 

"Pleasure to meet you." A petite British girl sipped her tea. "The name is Alice." 

A girl who was surrounded with pink butterflies introduced herself. "My name is Giselle. I like your hair." 

"Thanks." I nodded, grabbing my hair and twirling it on instinct. "I like yours, too." 

"Thanks Moana!" Giselle smiled. She was definitely kind and cheerful, just like Ariel. Alice was a bit different, though. She might look intimidating at first, but she was just as caring and kind for everyone. 

"Moana," Ariel tapped my shoulder. "This guy over here is Eric. He's my uh... Soon to be husband." 

I gasped, as the students in the bench giggled. Ariel looked so young. Back in the island we'd have to wait for a while... But not that anything was wrong about it! Sigh, I gotta get used to this somehow. 

"I heard you loved the sea." Eric leaned on the table, showing a generous smile. 

"Oh, I really do." I exclaimed passionately. "Whats not to like? I feel like the waves called to me anytime I was near the shore. After all, the ocean is a friend of mine." 

"I love the ocean the way you also do." He sighed, rubbing his nape. "I feel the exact same way! I'm a sailor. I voyage, go to different places. Discover brand new things." 

"I'm a voyager as well." I placed my hand on my chest. "It runs in our family." 

Ariel scoffed jokingly. "Wow, ocean! Would've kept my legs if it was as good as you thought it was." 

We all laughed. 

I took my untouched juice box to sip it, but before I could do, it suddenly felt limp, and limper as the second passed, and before I knew it, it was slimy and squishy, just like jello. 

It turned pink.

"Ahh!" I tossed my hand away in panic. 

"Morph! Come back here you little--" 

As the rat tailed boy Jim had entered the scene, everything went quiet. Deadly silent-- it was spooky. 


"I need to go. It was nice having lunch with you." Rushed Ariel, leaving her plate before Eric followed her with a worried look on his face. 

"Huh, wait--" 

Jim scoffed, raising his brows in annoyance.  "C'mon Morph." And Jim left, tossing a metal ball on his hand. 

Before I could ask the two about what happened, they gave me a look that says. "Don't" 

I guess we'd have to find out in the near future. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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