You Will Be Found | Cassian Andor

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"You really should be more careful," you said as you delicately wrapped the strip of gauze around Cassian's head. He winced when you pressed slightly above the cut. "Sorry, babe. It's got to be tight or it'll become infected."

"S'okay," he said tiredly.

You smiled. "Maybe if you got more sleep, you wouldn't be so clumsy. Huh?"

Cassian allowed a smile, barely a flicker, to ghost his lips. He looked down while you finished smoothing down the cloth bandage. You leaned down and kissed the tip of his nose lovingly.

"Well, it's a good thing your girlfriend is a great medic," you said.

You had been dating Cassian for ten months. He was absolutely, undeniably in love with you, and you with him.

Even though he was gone a lot on missions, you remained absolutely dedicated to your relationship and him. Cassian couldn't wrap his head around it. How could a beautiful girl adore him so much that she remained loyal to him, even when he was gone for several days at a time?

None of it made sense.

K2-SO, who had been pacing the small space you worked, kept picking up random objects. You paid him no attention. He would wander around you a lot. He liked you just as much as Cassian.

"If sleep is what you need, then let's cancel the date I planned for us tonight," you said.

Cassian shook his head. He wiped his palms on his thighs. "No, no. There's no time."

Your eyebrows pulled together as you packed your supplies away. "What do you mean there's no time? It's your day off, Cass."

He exhaled slowly. "Uh, yeah..." Guilt ghosted over his eyes. He couldn't so much as look at you. "Last night, I got called to do a mission. Jon is sick, you see, and he couldn't do it, so I'm taking care of what he was going to do."

Your heart and face fell, so you looked away. "Oh."

Cassian's eyes darted to your face. "Are you alright with that, love?" He reached for your hand.

You coolly pulled it away and crossed your arms over your chest. "I don't have much choice, now do I?" You shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Work is work, and I'm glad you're so dedicated to your job."

Cassian frowned. "Babe-"

"Let me know when they're sending you off so I can say goodbye," you said, picking up your case. "I got to go. I have patients that need me." To hide your obvious hurt, you fled the space.

Cassian knew that he let you down, and it wasn't for the first time. He always disappointed you, he thought. He never could make you happy before something that made you frown spilled out of his lips.

"You don't deserve her," Kay said.

Cassian looked up at the droid sadly. He hopped off of the counter he was sitting on and sniffed loudly. Kay watched him with careful eyes before waltzing off somewhere else.


Kay was right. Cassian didn't deserve you.

How could he deserve someone so selfless, so caring, and so intelligent? All he ever did was leave, and all you ever did was worry about him. Never did you let him know that his leaving hurt you deeply, even though Cassian knew it did.

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