Can I Truly Change?

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I wished...

And I've wished...

It's too difficult...

Why can't I change...

I hate myself...

Even for a moment...

Can I be different...



Withering yet verdant, leaves trembled underneath its own ubiquitously plume as falling yet ever slightly floating.

Night wasn't pleasant. Morning wasn't efficacious. Neither were the desired necessity to heal an unwanted scar. Could the moonlight close the gap? Could the sunlight give it warmth?

Lisa doesn't understand it.

Unable to rest, her serpentine eyes fluttered lightly, brewing ever so quietly under the light yet repetitive breaths. The blonde laid dormant, absent minded, a developing sclerotic skin replaced her soft smooth skin as the cold rushed against it.

She just didn't understand.

"Was... I always like this?" She muttered to herself, the darkness around the room settled; similar to a devastated asylum.


The morning bell vibrated, constantly vibrating yet the blonde ignored it; the sound didn't reach those eardrums.

Should I even go to school today...

Brushing the back of her hair in irritation, Lisa walked to the bathroom and stared directly into the mirror.

Why do I look like this?

Her eyes trailed over the golden hair, slowly examined herself; like a predator catching a prey. The blonde's gaze finally stopped when she met her own redolent pair of eyes.

Just pretty...

Is this all I am good for...

What did I hope for...


Is that really...

What I want...

Lisa stared continuously, finding herself void of emotions as the mirror reflected from her beautiful brown eyes which created an inceptive cycle; almost seeing herself inside her own eye, frozen yet breathing.

A quiet voice grew.

"You boys are all the same..."

Lisa's eyes widened.

"Always making me special..."

Her body shivered.

"It's getting sick..."

The voice grew louder.

"So get the message..."

The blonde pawed her ears shut.

"I don't need a boy..."



The mirror completely shattered as Lisa collapsed on both knees. Individual specs of glass shards pierced inside her flesh, pure blood, red and ripe stained the reflection which was only her and the voice.

"Have I gone insane..." Lisa silently spoke to herself, trying to find a reflective answer.

That voice, Lisa's past subconscious came back to haunt her. The blonde gazed back into the mirror shards as the echo of those final words laid vibrant and clear.

Is that what I really wanted...

She slowly picked a single shard.

Not a change but...

Her eyes met another.

A man...


"Hyung I understand. I know," a shallow voice spoke out.

"I've only got a few weeks of this and I swear I'll be back," the sounds of tapping, footsteps and surrounding birds chirping caught up, almost mixing with the voice.

"Why would I fail to get my future wife from here?"

Slipping the phone back, a smile erupted from his mouth. Self-centred, nothing more than a feared aura arose from within him as he walked towards the school with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I won't fail."

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