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"What's the next region we're going?" I asked as I stood next to Erica.

"Hmm, well, we basically conquered a good portion of the eastern region. Very few areas in the western, and the north region is still completely under our control. I have to say, if it weren't for you it would had taken longer to do so."

"..If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here. Anyways, I think we should focus on the western region for now, then conquer what's left of the eastern region next." I said pointing at the map.

"We would need more elites by the time we go to the western region. We need to train more people."

"..They're mostly weaklings that can't step up to the plate. It would be a waste of time to try and look for more."

"I know it takes years to train someone to become an elite, but you don't have to address them like that. We were all weak once. That's not all my worries, the western region has many powerful demons, besides the southern..." she said then sighed "..Y/N."


"...I don't want you to go there."

"Huh?? Why not?" I said questioning her.

"..I want you to focus on the eastern region. I will lead to the western. While I do that I want you to train them to get better."

"That's nonsense! Why would I leave you alone in such a place you are telling me it's the worst of the three?? It would be more better if I joined you-" I said concerned but she cut me off.

"You're not here to babysit me Y/N! I know what I'm doing. You're not ready to take that step yet."

"Than what am I ready for?!" I said getting tense.

She then looked away for a short moment and her expression changed "...To take my place."

"..What?" I said surprised

"Y/N, things change, sometimes things happen that we have to be able to adapt no matter what. I won't always be commander..."

"Why not?" I said almost protesting.

"...No one can remain in the same position forever. Maybe you might be a commander while I'm still one, but be certain that I will grow old or possibly fall in the battle field."

"You know that would never happen, and about being old, you're still young. Why do you talk as if you're fifty or something?"

"I know... I just like thinking ahead sometimes, to be better prepared. Guess I'm the one getting ahead of myself, aren't I?"

"You just use your head a lot. Don't worry about that though. We'll go through this..together." I said as I put my arm around her, reassuring her.

She turned to face me and caressed my cheek as she gave me a small smile.

"My you've grown up so much. You still have a lot to learn, but you've come a long way. I'm very proud of you Y/N... Don't forget who you are in all of this mess."

"I won't..because you'll be there to remind me." I said as I smiled back.

Erica's P.O.V.:

I was glad she still had that sweet side to her, though she would only show it to me. Her temper worried me though. Even when we placed those seals on her, her demonic characteristics were still a part of her. They're arrogant, impatient, ruthless, and so much more. One thing that concerned me throughout all these years as I studied the creatures, was that they were everything evil. Hatred was one of those characteristics they had above all, they had no love for one another or sympathy. At least that's what I've seen. I raised her basically to be a warrior, but a part of me wondered whether I did a good job to raise her to be completely human.

Third Person P.O.V.:

Somewhere in the Southern Region~

He stood tall, arrogantly looking down at them as they spoke. He took another sip of his cup and sighed at their dull meeting. He was tired of having to hear their quarrels until they actually talked to him. For now he only watched from above the hallway.

"The humans are taking up a lot of territory these past years. What are your plans?"

"What happened to the group we sent to the northern region."

"Last I heard was that they were wiped out."

"They've become stronger I see. What has granted them power to be able to kill our subjects quickly?"

"..You don't suppose they found a weapon that could kill our kind so easily?"

"I haven't heard of such, except spells. What do you think Dark Lord?" he said in an arrogant tone.

"Well council members, all I can say is either they found a weakness or a strength. It was foolish of you to attack their territory knowing there would be more defense there, than the troops that actually come into ours. This unknown weapon moves one way. Similar attacks and results were seen in the eastern region and followed along a trail. However since you're not on the field I guess you wouldn't know that."

"So you're saying they only have one weapon?"

"Could be, but then again it might not be something but someone."

"Will you two look into it?"

"Not like we have much of a choice. Whether they decide to conquer all of the eastern region, they'll most likely go to ours in the western region. Still I prefer to go alone."

"Tell us what your plans are?"

"Find out what's behind it first and then take the territories back.."

He sat in a grand chair facing the rest of the council members. His expression blank and also bored by the unnecessary worries of the council members. There was no fear in him, no anxiety of any sort of what lied ahead. His arrogance and confidence made him take the matter of little importance.

"Will you have trouble in doing so?"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" he said in a stern voice, then relaxed on the chair and smirked at them. "Conquering territories is my thing. Nothing will stand in my way, not any weapon, not anyone, in especially a human. If you don't mind, I'll be leaving now." he said as he got up.

The rest of the council members remained in silence thinking of the possible outcomes if the dark lord were to be victorious.

He then walked up the stairs to the hallway and stopped as he stood in front of him.

"So you're going to take on the task?"

"Yes. And I suppose you'll just stay in your land, doing nothing like always."

"Not exactly, I was planning on giving you a hand, but since you said you prefer to go alone, better for me."

"Are you worried?"

"No..What I don't understand is why it took you so long to face them off if conquering territories is your thing?"

"I was busy with something else throughout these years, but now that the council brought it to attention, guess I can't ignore it anymore."

"You're too much of yourself you know that.. Taehyung."

"I'm not the only one..Hyuk."

They stared at each other and scoffed as they both went their separate ways...

Dark Lords (Taehyung/Hyuk X Reader) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now