|02| My Pride Died With My Crush

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And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
I'm in
And just like that

Rule number two: Have a guy you've crushed on for so long? Ever wondered why crush sounds like crash? Point is, never profess your love/like to your crush or you will be crushed. Emphasis on "Never profess"


THE HALF OPENED OAK DOOR revealed Andy's smiling face. My breath hitched as I wasn't in the least bit expecting to be met with a smile so colgate perfect.

Who was I kidding, the dude symbolized perfection. His woodsy cologne teased my nostrils and I caught myself inhaling slowly. I silently wished time would drift because I really had no problem spending my entire day watching his lips part into that alluring smile of his.

"Hey you," I greeted, avoiding his gaze.

"Annalise," he cleared his throat, "I believe you dropped this."

I shifted uncomfortably, "It's not mine," His delicate eyebrows  knitted together in confusion. "What I mean is, it's not mine because it's a letter I wrote but addressed to you."

"Oh." He said, as if in deep thought, "Mind if I read it here?"

Oh my God! Could someone just shoot me already? I fumbled with what to say and came out with, "Yes. Sure."

He tore the seal open and read. Thank God he was wise enough to have read silently. I didn't need him to throw the cheesy words I wrote back in my face. He finished reading and calmly folded the letter back into a straight rectangular form. "I'm out of words," he mumbled.

"Yes. You are." I pursed my lips shut, I didn't know where all this stupid replies were coming from. I wasn't always like this. I guess this was what the butterflies in my stomach did.

"You are a lovely girl Annalise and I hate to assume the role of a jerk but I already have a girlfriend."

My eyes swelled with tears and my throat went dry. I wasn't surprised, he was a guy, a handsome one at that. I shouldn't have written that stupid letter. Now our relationship moved from awkward to several shades of awkward. "Can I have my letter back?" I asked, trying not to cry. This was the last time I was professing my love to any guy. Rom coms be darned.

His baby blue eyes stared at me with concern, "Are you okay?"

"I am," I put on a fake carefree smile and reached out for the letter as he handed it over.

"I'm sorry," he apologized and turned to leave.

"Me too." I muttered, as his back diminished into the background. My heart tore into several shreds. I closed the door and walked back into the house.

"So how did it go?" Beck asked.

"He has a girlfriend," Tears streamed down my face. "I knew this was a mistake," I sobbed.

Beck walked closer and flung her arms around my neck. I held her tightly and cried my heart out, nuzzling her neck. Heartbreak wasn't something I would recommend to any teenager out there, it hurt so bad.

"You know he's not the only guy out there," Beck said when I calmed down a little, "You will meet some freaking hot Spaniards and Andy will be so pissed when he finds out those guys are much hotter than he is,"

I chuckled, releasing her. "With my looks I'm not so sure I'll be getting an inch closer to any hot Spaniard."

"Not this again!" Beck sighed, "You look just fine. Come sit with me." I took off my glasses and wiped my tears.

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