|13| Deal With The Devils

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White roses swayed with the windy afternoon air as I strolled through the football field. Carrying a bunch of balls in a netlike sack, I struggled, trying to stay on my feet. Gym class was mainly centered on field work today. Thanks to a certain gym teacher, I was beginning to like less. I wasn't blessed with athletic genes, so I guess that explained why I had to stay back to collect dozens of balls after my fellow murderous girls finished playing dodge ball per Miss Wentworth's instruction. Picking the balls up from the untamed grassy floor was as exhausting as trying to fill a basket with water or trying to push a wall.

Since I was rather slow at getting acquainted with many things, I didn't know where the gymnasium was. I threw my eyes around as I silently trotted, with the filled sack flung over my shoulder.

"I'm going to kill you!" 

I staggered as I darted my eyes around. Where did that come from? As I moved forward, the voice became much louder. I unconsciously released my grip on the sack and the balls tumbled to the floor. My dry lips popped open as beads of perspiration rose on my sheen. It looked like I had just walked into world war three. I pinched my arm. Was it just me or Brianna Kendricks was visciously tearing out strands of Lola Roccino's perfect cola hair. Shocked that the Disney princesses had such aggressive strengths, I watched as the surprising scene unfolded before me.

"You stole my boyfriend sneaky bitch," Brianna snarled. I cringed taking a step back.

"No you stole my boyfriend, dumbass. I take back my peaceoffering. I'm going to kill you before I lose my mind." Lola said, struggling to stand to her feet. This was my first time seeing her like this. What happened to the super friendly Lola who smiled all the time.

Brianna pulled her back down. "I don't need your stupid peace offering. As a matter of fact you can shove it down your butt."

"Get her off me!" Lola shrieked and I realized she was talking to me.

 I snapped out of my shock then went to stand between the two mini-devils. "Hi I'm Lisa I-" I gasped, halting my little -fighting won't do any good-speech when a hand landed straight across my cheek making a sharp contact. "Hey what did I do?" I fumed, my nose flaring.

Brianna shrugged as she got up from the marble tiled floor. "You were in my way." 

Well remind me next time not to try resolving any conflict with a speech. 

"Plus I hate your face," she added. 

I frowned. She slapped me because she hated my face? Good heavens! This was unbelievable.

"Mean bitch!" Lola tackled her. 

I decided to help Lola out. So I picked up a stray ball then threw it at Brianna as I lunched forward to grab her shiny hair.

"I hate your pretty face too!" I said feeling hyper.

Lola toppled me over. "Don't say she's pretty. It will get into her head."

I winced at the pain in my arm, now I was no longer on Lola's side. Each woman for herself. I lunged for her as she tried cornering Brianna.

"What on earth is going on here?" It only took that voice to put an end to our madness. 

"My office now!" Miss Cunningham barked as she started trotting to what I assumed was her office. "You better have a good explanation for this kerfuffle."

I shuddered, brushing imaginary dirt from my skirt. Brianna and Lola both got off the floor. 

"This isn't over Lola. And you," Brianna eyed me menacingly, "Count yourself dead." She warned, running her fingers through her messy hair.

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